House Update

Term 3 was a different and new experience for everyone. For Blackwoodians, it was a term filled with activity, participation and plenty of house spirit. Despite the fact that we had to face yet another term learning from our humble abodes, this did not stop us from making the most of our time and continuing to have fun.
We had amazing participation in the Virtual Track and Field with submissions right up to the due date, and more participation in the marble competition. With a mighty success thanks to our fellow student Khush, who secured first place, and more wonderful involvement and participation from the rest of the house. We finished second, only to Cottrell by 2 participants, and are now inches away from the House Cup.
In Senior debating, despite the fact that we didn’t come first, we still had wonderful debaters who argued their points beautifully and represented our beautifully humble house. There was plenty of support for our debaters by our house, showcasing our family-like bond.
There were many members ready to participate and dedicate time in the multiple competitions this term. This eagerness and wonderful participation has been the secret to our success this year. The efforts of our members have not gone unnoticed and will pay off in finally breaking our losing streak and hopefully, finishing in that top spot.
- Chris Laity Ramenaden (10B2 - Year 10 Vice Captain)
- Nadine Ayoub (11B8 - Year 11 Vice Captain)
History has taught us that we can all learn from what has been before. Our first experience of remote learning taught us that the way students learn and how we interact face to face in the school setting is different in the digital space. While we as teachers grappled early on with ‘How should I teach online?’ we have now moved to ‘How can students best learn online?’. Our teachers have all become designers of learning, upskilling and adapting to change quickly, adopting new techniques and using varied resources. The role of the teacher is essentially the same, but has also been redefined. Teachers have taken up new tasks not only willingly but with a positive attitude, despite the hard work, challenges and demands on time. Collaborative efforts, whilst already embedded in our culture, have been necessarily more frequent. Having said all this we, as teachers, would not have the success without the dedication and perseverance of our students.
Of course, the school experience is not just about the academic learning. The Cottrell students - true to form – have continued with their enthusiasm and team spirit in the House Competitions. In these we have excelled with Vaibhav and Rocky leading the charge. A special thanks to all our student leaders.
Rubik's Cube Challenge - Cottrell took win in the relay challenge with a final time of
2 mins 43 seconds!
Then there is Homegroup where the cohesion of Cottrell House is instilled in all. Seeing familiar faces may seem unnecessary to some, but to others it is the jumpstart needed to get them going. Everyone has needs though these may differ. Education is not just about academic learning. Students are missing their teachers and teachers are missing their students. It is a process of whole person development. Cottrell is about the people connections and the social experiences.
I am so proud of the way our students and staff have responded and adapted to remote learning and look forward to seeing and dealing with the Cottrell team face to face.
Mrs Roberts - Head of House, Cottrell
Lockdown. Who knew we’d be back here again? Although this has been more challenging to everyone, Kororoit has proved our amazing ability to adapt and face the challenges ahead. Despite the isolation and separation from each other we, ironically, have been able to connect and become a more resilient house.
Stage Four Lockdown has placed many restrictions on our daily routine and habits. However, Kororoit’s motivation towards a hot summer body has never been greater. We are extremely grateful to everyone who’s been looking after their physical health through activities such as the SSV Athletics and the Step Up challenge. Miss Breed and Jackie’s weekly workouts have been motivating us to be a fit french fry, despite the constant urge of wanting to be a couch potato.
Whilst also maintaining our physical health, Kororoit was sure not to neglect the importance of our mental health and wellbeing. Homegroup zoom calls gave us the opportunity to, once again, connect with each other and with different year levels in our House. Through pure small talk, wholesome moments, and smiling faces, we were able to reconnect with our friends across the house.
Of course, in the spirit of mental health, Kororoit gladly participated in the annual R U Okay day. In times like this, we know it's important to check up on our family, friends, and teachers, and how powerful a simple question can be. We learned to recognize that it’s important to take active measures to maintain our mental health as well as support those around us. Everyone’s participation in the “unplug challenge” truly exemplified this and it was great seeing people share their hobbies and what they do to stay well :D
The involvement in co-curricular has been outstanding and has been getting better each time. This has been a great opportunity to socialize and communicate with our peers and get a break from our routined days. Kororoit has truly gotten involved with all the exciting initiatives and activities like cooking tacos, Harry Potter quizzes, yoga, and dance.
As with the last term, many opportunities to participate in the race for the House Cup had emerged. With a strong will and a passion to contribute, many Kororoitians took part in challenges such as Debating, the Rubik's Cube Relay Race, Mask Competition and Science Week. With the efforts from the leadership team and a tonne of photos we received through the Kororotians, the construction of our house collage was also put into full swing. Everyone’s submissions were greatly appreciated and their contribution exhibits the house spirit and determination we all have. With fire and passion burning in our hearts, we proved why Kororoit is worthy of the title “The Mighty Red Dragons.”
We’d also like to mention how proud the Kororoit 2020 leadership team has been after seeing how many people stepped up and applied for 2021 positions. You all have proven how passionate you are for this house and we are confident to hand it over to the next leadership team. All the best to the applicants!
Term Four is upon us and we are more than ready to get back. We would like to wish good luck to all of our year 12's as they prepare for their exams and remind them of how proud we are.
Stay safe and take care!
Harjot, Year 11 K1 & Charlie, Year 11 K3
House Chorals
Term 3 has rolled to a quiet end, and for us House Chorals Captains, the eternal silence continues. While we were optimistic in our hopes of running the competition throughout this term, we clearly have not been able to do so. In spite of that, I would like to give my utmost gratitude to the students of Rothwell House for continuing to put their faith in our musical capabilities. The ensembles that we were able to put together this year have continued to far exceed my expectations, and unfortunately, we had simply lost the opportunity to perform. I have no doubts that Rothwell would have seen great success in the House Chorals competition this year. The few rehearsals that we were able to have will become memories that I shall forever hold dear.
To the graduating cohort of Rothwell House, I thank you again for your unending support these past two years. And to the students who remain, I assure you that you will see great success in Chorals to come. I’m sure that my successor will find their ways to propel Rothwell to greater heights.
As your House Chorals captain with nothing but a title, thank you for interest in Rothwell’s House Chorals performances of 2020.
Our main project in term 3 (continuing into term 4) has been the Creating Conversations program. Doing all of the focus groups over zoom has definitely been a change but an interesting one nonetheless.
This term has certainly been an odd one, with no open forums to hold or major events to plan...
It has been fantastic to see everyone get involved in all the crazy online competitions that have been running. Hopefully an online staff vs student week is coming your way soon :)
As we returned to school we started the term with VCE basketball, unfortunately there were only two games played before we went back to online learning. The year 11 and 12 boys went up against Cottrell, both teams gave it their all and played with passion. The year 11 boys were able to come through with the win and although the year 12s didn’t win both teams looked promising for the future games.
During online learning there was the running of the virtual track & field where our fellow Rothwellians took part in events such as the 100m, triple jump, 800m and various other events.
Although we placed 4th, many students took part and were able to simultaneously earn house points whilst getting some exercise! Sounds like a win win to me :)
As we returned to online schooling, many house events had to be modified, opening up a variety of online competitions that Rothwell, and any house in fact, have not really done before. Although staying motivated to still compete in the house cup has been difficult, many of us were able to get involved in something that did not include our daily online Zoom classes. These events included House Chess, the marble run competition, the mask competition, the Rubik’s cube relay and the Trivia competitions. Our senior debaters achieved a marvellous victory and our house art team have been working diligently behind the scenes (collaborating on an artwork is more challenging than it seems!)
In a time where motivation to do anything at all is low, taking initiative based on pure House spirit is nothing short of brilliant and everyone who did so should be proud of going above and beyond what was expected of them. On behalf of Rothwell’s leadership and the graduating Year 12s, thank you for your dedication and passion and I have no doubt that our house will accomplish greater achievements and triumphs in the future.
Heads of House:
Mr Van Wyk and I would like to thank all Rothwellians for their hard work and commitments during this extremely challenging period of time. Term 3 is busy during a normal term with VCE courses finishing up, subject selections and a myriad of house events (if you have represented this term, thanks heaps). We have been very proud of our 2020 leadership team of their hard work and positivity during this year and concurrently we are in the process of electing our 2021 Rothwell leadership team which is exciting too.
Thanks to all the students who have applied for a position, and if you miss out we are sorry, as usual there are so many excellent applications these decisions will not be easy. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE have a restful break, and no you shouldn’t spend the whole time studying for your 3 and 4 exams, there is still some time to go, don’t burn out. As always stay safe, look out for each other and if you need any support, like many of your peers have this term, reach out for some help.
Rothwell Shout OUTS!
Well done Aarushi Malhotra who has once again displayed her commitment to develop herself as a student and leader at SCHS. Have a read below about the opportunity Aarushi has received from the New York Academy of Sciences, below is a description of the opportunity from Aarushi. Great stuff Aarushi.
The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) is a non-profit independent organisation and one of the oldest scientific societies in the United States. The Academy has been bringing together some of the world's finest people working at the frontiers of discovery for over 200 years and has since become one of the most significant organisations in the global scientific community. The Academy's mission is "to advance scientific research and knowledge; to support scientific literacy; and to promote the resolution of society's global challenges through science-based solutions".
The Junior Academy is a program run by NYAS that aims to connect students from ages 13-17 that exhibit extraordinary talent, diligence, and interest in the STEM fields. Each year, 1000 of the world's brightest high school students are selected to be a part of the program, join a dynamic global network of like-minded peers and mentors, and compete against one another (either individually or in teams) in 10-week long challenges on NYAS' innovation program. Challenge winners receive full travel scholarships to attend the Global STEM Alliance Summit at the New York Academy of Sciences held annually.
The 1000 Girls, 1000 Futures program run by NYAS aims to connect female-identifying students aged 13-17 that exhibit a high level of commitment to personal and academic development. Female-identifying students are selected from all over the world to participate in a program and expand their understanding of academic readiness, leadership, communication and critical thinking while working alongside female STEM professionals from all over the world.
After going through a long application process, I received an acceptance letter for both of these programs! I am super honoured to be a part of both programs and become a young member of the New York Academy of Sciences. I can't wait to connect with other amazing students from all over the world, make new friends, and develop my leadership, communication, and critical thinking skills, while broadening my understanding in the STEM field!