Achievements & Results

Sports Update

The sport program this year has certainly taken a hit. With interschool sport really only allowed in Term 1 it has been a very disappointing year. However with our love of sport and our eager students we participated in as much as we could. At the start of Term 3 the VCE students started playing the basketball competition and wow was it competitive. It was like the students had been deprived sport for a period of time and were craving it (oh wait that’s what really happened). 


Unfortunately we went back into lockdown soon after the competition started and we were back to the virtual world. With the success of Active April and the virtual cross country in Term 2 this term we launched the SSV virtual track and field for house points. 218 students participated in the modified events. It was very close with Cottrell house being victorious. 


>> Sprints: (60m, 80m, 100m, 200m, 400m)

>> Run or walk: (800m, 1500m)

>> Jumps: (standing long jump and standing triple jump)

>> Throw: (tennis ball shotput)

>> Combined event: 100m sprint, standing long jump, tennis ball shotput and 800m run.

At the conclusion of Term 3 the House Cup is awarded so the intra-house sport results are collated.  The intra-house program runs from Term 4 the previous year until the end of Term 3. Because of covid-19 unfortunately  only half of this program was achievable. The 2020 intra-house sports results are as follows:


Year 9









Year 10


















In addition to the virtual challenges weekly workouts were also uploaded to compass for students and staff to watch in their own time and keep active. I hope the school community found these helpful in bringing some variety to your at home workouts. 

Here are all of the workouts if you would like to do them all again


Ms Breed

House Program

It has been a very busy term with virtual house events and the competition is very close at this point. The House Cup is awarded at the end of Term 3 and it is looking like it might come down to values cards again 2020. Some of the virtual events were huge hits and I think will become permanent of the house program calendar. 

In Term 3 the following events were conducted online:


Mask selfie competition

With the introduction of mandatory masks we thought we’d have a bit of fun with it and see which student could send in the best selfie with their mask on for their house. Once again creativity was amazing and the effort the students put into these challenges is second to none. 

Well done to Martin from Rothwell on winning this one. 


House Chess

Thank you to Mr Ryan and students for playing a series of chess games online over a few weeks. Congratulations to Cottrell for taking out the win. 


House Debating

Well done to Rothwell who took out the senior debating. Thank you to Mr Byrne and the debating captains for organising the event. Debates were held on zoom during week 8, well done to all the speakers. 


Science week marble run challenge

Well done to all the students who created a marble run during science week. The criteria was on creativity and duration of the marble run, judging was very tough on this one. 


1st Khush (Blackwood)

2nd Cindy (Cottrell)

3rd Isabelle (Kororoit)

4th Charlize (Rothwell)


Here is Khush creative entry!


Rubik's cube race

This event was massive with 50 students on zoom watching the insane rubik's cube skills of the SCHS students.  Each house had to solve 5 cubes in the fastest time possible in a relay format. The winning house Cottrell solves the 5 cubes in an outstanding time of 2:43. I don’t think I will ever solve one cube that fast in my lifetime. Here are the highlights of the day! 



RUOK day unplug challenge

On Thursday 10 September, to raise awareness and promote the importance of wellbeing students were asked to have a screen free day. Students participated in a variety of self-care activities to help then unwind and relax.  They were then asked to upload a photo of them doing the activity and participation points were awarded. It was great to see students taking time out for themselves especially in these tough times. Hopefully they continue to look after their own wellbeing more regularly. The winning house of the unplug challenge was Cottrell.


House pride photo collage competition

In replacement of house art this year houses were asked to create a photo collage and house message.  These were created by the house art teams and wow, the entries have been amazing. 


The results from the staff vote are in:

  • 1st Cottrell 31 points
  • 2nd Blackwood 29 points
  • 3rd Kororoit 25 points
  • 4th Rothwell 15 points

Congratulations to all the students for their amazing efforts!


House Point Update


Value Cards Points are still to be added..... 

House Winner will be announced in Term 4!

Check the overall house points calendar here.


Interschool Debating 2020 – a unique year

Interschool debating is run by the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) and each year students interested in debating usually represent Suzanne Cory in the Western region at Williamstown High School over 5 Wednesday nights in term 2.


I say ‘usually’ because this year we were presented with a unique set of challenges with the onset of COVID19. This meant that most debates were run online. It also meant that Suzanne Cory High School debated students from other regions which normally they wouldn’t do with schools such as Scotch College and Brighton Grammar entering into the mix. Students also had to get used to debating on camera with less time to prepare given the DAV had a limited numbers of Zoom links they could use.


Needless to say Suzanne Cory High School students rose admirably to the challenge with their incredible range of public speaking skills and although we did not reach the finals this year there were no forfeits from our teams with our students showing up for every match and some opposition teams not fronting at all!


A big thank you must go to Kisara Perera and Fatima Arshad as Debating Captains and Ms. Favero for their invaluable assistance in making sure that the whole program ran smoothly.



I would also like to thank Fatima Arshad and Hugo Somboonsin for their participation in the Plain English Speaking Award (PESA) which was also conducted online. Congratulations to Hugo for reaching the Regional Final and a special mention and congratulations to Fatima for reaching the State Final. Considering the standard of speakers at this level, this was a huge achievement on Fatima’s part.


Senior House Debating Results

A big thank you to all the students who participated in the Senior House debates this year. It was a lively program run capably on Zoom also showcasing the great strengths of our senior speakers. 


Thanks again to the debating captains Fatima and Kisara for organising the adjudicators and speakers. Thanks also to the adjudicators for giving up their time: Jay, Melvin and Tejal along with the debating captains. And finally, thanks to Ms Favero and Mr Campbell for moderating the debates. 


The overall scores were: Rothwell 3 wins Cottrell 2 wins Blackwood 1 win Kororoit – nil 

Middle Years house debates will be run in Term 4. 

One Girl Ambassador

As Australians, the right to receive an education is something that we never have to worry about. Unfortunately, for 130 million girls across the globe education is treated as a privilege that they can’t have. This is my second year of being a youth ambassador for One Girl. 

One Girl is an organisation that strives to equip girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda with everything they need to graduate from school. This varies from hygiene products, business education, even to lunch and uniform. So far I’ve raised $1,700 which is enough to educate at least 5 girls for a year! 


This experience has made me realise how valuable education truly is, and how I should never take mine for granted. I would like to thank everyone who has donated so far and Ms Lam for being my support teacher throughout this. 


If you would like to donate and make a difference, please do so at this link:


Thank you so much!

Charlize Miranda, Year 9. 


Update for Mullets!

This month I have been participating in Black Dog Institutes ‘Mullets For Mental Health’. This organisation works at the treatment, identification, and prevention of mental health issues in Australia. My initial motivation for participating in this challenge was seeing the detrimental impacts of not taking care of one's mental well-being first hand and with the experiences of others around me. This year has been a crazy roller coaster of a year. Being in year 12, I would have never expected the toughest year of my life to be hit with a pandemic, as well as other issues. 


The recent death of my friend in the school community evoked many unfortunate responses, which was honestly expected, but very confronting. When an immensely drastic event happens so close to home, it’s quite eye-opening and puts a lot of things into perspective. The topic of mental health has always been very important to me, and nowadays the circumstances we are all facing had solidified my views on it. Feeling helpless in these tough situations, I decided that I would try to make a change... by growing a filthy mullet!


Currently, my fundraiser has reached over $1.5k, which was very surprising as my initial goal was only $200! I’d like to thank everyone in the school and the wider community for contributing to creating a better world for all of us. Whether it’s $1, $150, or even sharing my fundraising link to your social media or peers, it will genuinely be appreciated!

You can donate (before the end of September) or check out my progress here:


Remember to take care of yourself and speak up whenever you feel ready :)

Edward Le, Year 12. 

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