Principal's Report

Term 3 Reflection
The end of Term 3 newsletter is usually filled with comments about exams and preparing for the VCE exams, along with reminders about the importance of Presentation Night. However, there is nothing even remotely usual about this term, let alone this year, and I refuse to subscribe to the notion of the ‘new normal’. Former US President, Franklin D. Roosevelt stated that “we have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.” These are words and an idea that I am much more willingly prepared to consider.
The ease with which we can dwell upon the negatives is even more apparent during the lockdown we are enduring. However, we owe it to ourselves to focus on the positives and to not allow ourselves to wallow in self despair. I realise that this is sometimes easier said than done, but focussing on the positives is always a good starting point. And we must realise that there are positives, even if it requires us to make comparisons with others to realise our own fortune.
The tendency to become hyper-critical is reinforced by the media; especially social media. We need to be aware, and self-aware, about the impact of some forms of media on our wellbeing. I know of several people who have given up watching the news as the daily announcement of infection rates and deaths lead the nightly news bulletins. Ultimately it is about the choices we make to be positive and we will all find different aspects of life that help us be more positive.
Regardless of the environment in which we have all found ourselves this year, the importance of focussing on looking ahead cannot be overstated. For the Year 12 students the way forward may appear daunting; however, by setting goals, which you have been doing for a significant period of your life, you will manage the future more successfully. The American author and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, reminds us that “goals enable you to do more yourself and others, too.” Your immediate goals are completing the trial exams and submitting them to your teacher. Following this you will be revising and studying for the upcoming VCE exams, which start on 10 November. And of course you will be preparing for a return to onsite learning on 5 October. These are all goals that are easy to focus on and that have a tangible outcome and benefit. I would suggest though, that to be truly positive and happy, that you need goals that are not scholastic and that are not purely focussed on you. Remember that goals are about being able to help others, too.
One of my greatest concerns throughout the year has been for the Year 9 and 10 students who, by the time they return to school in late October (hopefully!), will have been remote learning for 22 out of 33 weeks! The final six (6) weeks of actually being at school will be focussed on both ensuring that they are academically up to standard and reconnect with the culture of the school. The Year 9 students, and the new Year 10 students, in particular, have missed out on some of the most important aspects of understanding he culture of the school. I will still expect the Year 9 students to be able to sing the school song!
One of the positives about this term, despite the disruptions, is that we have actually just ‘got on’ with the task of teaching and running the school program. Classes are happening, as is co-curricular and House events. And while being remote is not the same as being onsite, it is at least providing that sense of normality about the school. By running our program; a program that defines the school, we are offering hope to our students.
And while the year will continue to provide its challenges, and the actions of others will frustrate us at times, I will leave you with the words of Albert Einstein: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
Colin Axup
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