PYP Around the School 

IB Interview

Last week Stu and I were interviewed by the London office of the International Baccalaureate about our experience as a Candidate PYP school experiencing remote learning and the ways in which St. Columba’s has continued to forge ahead in the spirit of the IB’s Mission Statement.


A key reason the IB contacted us for this interview was the fact that they had heard our Year 6 ‘School Life 101’ Podcast and they loved the fact that it served not only to connect our community but that it also helped our Year 6 leader’s develop a variety of skills. As Stu and I talked, we realised that at St. Columba’s we really promote connectedness, belonging and learner agency. While this is not something new and it is something that has been a part of St. Columba’s for a long time, it is being highlighted and strengthened through our PYP Candidacy. 


At this stage, the IB office is preparing an article based on our interview and we will share this with you when it becomes available.

New units of inquiry

This year may not be ideal in many ways but we are still moving forward with a rich concept-based learning experience. Many year levels, in fact, are ready to start new units of inquiry. An outline of the new units of inquiry that will be explored throughout the rest of Term 3 and into the first few weeks of Term 4 can be found below:


Prep- are continuing (until the end of term) with their ‘How we express ourselves’ unit of inquiry centred on imagination, creativity and expression.


Year 1/2

How we express ourselves

Central idea:People express their values, beliefs and culture through celebrations and rituals

This unit will focus on the beliefs and values behind a variety of rituals and celebrations and the rituals and celebrations associated with the Catholic church.


Year 3/4

How the world works

Central idea: Progress is driven by continuous scientific advancements

This unit will focus on scientific advancements with a particular interest in current scientific developments and the role science plays in our world.


Year 5/6

How we express ourselves

Central idea: A person’s behaviour and how they choose to present themselves projects aspects of their identity

This unit will focus on the concepts of identity, stereotypes, expression of self and influence. 

Note: If you have not listened to the ‘School Life 101’ podcast produced by our Year 6 students you can find it on our website: 


A new podcast is released weekly. The Year 6 leaders make decisions around the content (in consultation with teachers).