Year Advisers Reports 

8, 10 and 12

Year 8

What a term we have had. This is officially the first full term of face-to-face learning for the students in 2020. 


All students have been working extremely hard completing their assessment tasks across all subjects. From speeches in English to coding in Technology, most students have certainly embraced the rigor of High School and are encouraged to keep it for the rest of the year and into the future years here at Henry Kendall High School. Well Done Year 8.


I encourage all students to make sure that they have a restful break over the holidays and try some mindfulness activities.


Week 1:

  • 28 September: Look at a photo from a time with happy memories.
  • 29 September: Write down three things you appreciate about yourself today
  • 30 September: You matter. Remember that you are enough just as you are.
  • 1 October: Write down your most important goals for this month.
  • 2 October: Look for reasons to be hopeful even in difficult times.
  • 3 October: Take the first step towards a goal that really matters to you.
  • 4 October:  Be realistic optimist. See life as it is, but focus on what is good.

Week 2:

  • 5 October: Start your day with the most important thing on your list.
  • 6 October: Do something constructive to improve a difficult situation.
  • 7 October: Remember that things can change for the better.
  • 8 October: Make progress on a project or task you have been avoiding.
  • 9 October: Avoid blaming yourself or others. Just find the best way forward.
  • 10 October: Take time to reflect on what you have achieved this week.
  • 11 October: Focus on a positive change that you want to see in society.

Lots to look forward to in term 4. Stay safe, look after yourself, be kind and remember

“Self Belief is the Secret to Success”.

See you next term.

Miss Crystal Reynen

Year 8 Adviser

Year 10

What an amazing Term Year 10 have had!


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Year 10 on their dedication and overall effort towards school this term. It has been an incredibility busy term, however a very rewarding one.


A group of Year 10 students have been involved with the P Tech program. They have had two sessions so far. Their first session was with Michelle Swinden, who works at IBM. Their second session was with Professor Rhonda Wilson, who is from the School of Nursing at Newcastle University.  Our students were really engaged in both session and were asking amazing questions that were very thoughtful and well thought out.


We have a lot of amazing things coming up next term! I hope all of Year 10 have a relaxing break. 

Miss Cassandra McLennan

Year 10 Adviser

Year 12

Well done, Year 12! The end is almost here! This week they have been celebrating the end of thirteen years of schooling. They’ve done so with dress up days on Monday – Wednesday (themes were: movie character, pyjama and something beginning with the first letter of your name); a staff vs students volleyball game at lunch on Monday; a bbq breakfast and activities on the oval on Wednesday; and their graduation ceremony on Thursday. It’s been a bitter-sweet time of much deserved celebrations but it’s sad to say good bye to such a great bunch of students. Luckily, NESA has instructed Year 12 to return to school in Week 1 of Term 4 for extra timetabled lesson time to compensate for online learning earlier in the year. The teachers are grateful for more time and can’t wait to see everyone in class again before the exams begin on Tuesday 20 October. 


Students were given a note last week which outlines key dates and information about upcoming activities. This includes: 

  • Paying $25 for a copy of the yearbook by Tuesday 20 October
  • Sign out day on Monday 16 November (all fees and textbooks and library books must be returned by then)
  • The formal on Tuesday 17 November in the MPC, beginning at 6.00pm. Cost is $50 per ticket (thanks to lots of generous donations, we’ve been able to lower the price significantly without compromising on luxuries to make it extra special)
  • Celebration morning tea after results are released on Wednesday 18 November in the admin block courtyard

Year 12 are reminded that these next few weeks are the chance to significantly improve their potential results by studying effectively for the HSC exams. They can do so by attending holiday workshops held at school, creating a realistic study timetable and sending practice responses to their teachers. We believe in every single one of you to achieve your absolute personal best!

Miss Sasha Fitzgerald

Year 12 Adviser