Year 4


This week, the Year 4’s have been very busy preparing for their ‘Sway’ presentations. Sway is a presentation program through the Microsoft 365 platform that enables users to create presentable websites. Today we had our first few presentations in small groups on Teams across the double classrooms. Children presented confidently to their peers and teachers.


They used features such as adding text and image cards, backgrounds, inserting videos, creating links and ‘stacks’ of images. We would like to congratulate the Year 4’s for navigating their way through a new platform so quickly and using it with ease and style. We look forward to hearing and seeing the remaining Sway presentations tomorrow during our online sessions.


These presentations and use of Sway will lead us into our virtual exhibition that will be available to access during the last week of the term. Children will be sharing their knowledge of their chosen body system to become experts when answering a ‘big question’ in a collaborative group and then presenting it in Sway for the whole school community to view. Stay tuned!


Please see below for a couple of our outstanding Sways presented across the year level today:


Angela 4A:


Mason 4B:


Tyler 4C :


Fletcher 4D:



Year 4 have been very busy readers, writers, speakers and listeners! We have been learning about informative writing for our Sways and also learning how to craft a persuasive text. Children are familiar with words that evoke emotion and how to use time connectives. They have been busy trying to convince their teachers either that, “Computer games are time well spent” OR “Computer games are a waste of time”! 


We will publish some of the more convincing pieces later in the term. We have also been learning about homophones, quotation marks and using full sentences while correctly punctuating them. Children are also now very good detectives at locating prepositional phrases to make their sentences interesting and more complex! We are also proud of their efforts and application in Literacy during this period.



Year 4 have been using Essential Assessment across Multiplication and Division strands of the curriculum. Children are working well completing My Numeracy Tasks and are also navigating the new platform, “Maths Online”  to practice their maths skills. We are continuing to problem solve with Matharoo questions and activities. Keep practising your times-tables Year 4’s!