Virtual Choir Performance

Virtual Choir Performance

A message from our Student Music Leaders -

Charlotte, Zoe & Luca


Well this year certainly went a bit differently than planned for everyone.  Who would have thought that all the things we’d planned would change so fast?  One thing is for sure, there are two very things that are important to us.


The first thing is MUSIC!   Did you know that it was stated recently by experts that listening to music for 7 seconds makes people feel better. Singing releases “feel good” hormones. 


The second thing is FRIENDS. At a time when we can’t see our friends at school, we need to remember that we are here for each other.  Remaining connected and feeling we’re not alone is so very important.  We have chosen a special song that we think reflects how we feel about the importance of feeling connected and we encourage all students to join in as we endeavour to produce a virtual choir.  The song is called “You’ve Got A Friend”, written by Carole King.


You've Got a Friend

The wonderful project initiated by our Music Captains and Music Tech Captain is well under way. All students in the school have been supplied with relevant lyrics and an accompaniment track. Next week’s music class will show the AUSLAN for the entire song, although we are inviting interested students to only master the chorus for the purpose of the recording.


This project is not a Learning Task – it is an “opt in” for interested students. They have the choice to sing, to sign the chorus, or any combination of the above that they feel inspired to do, in order to feel more connected.


In case anyone has lost track of the instructions for filming your child’s contribution to this project, here they are again.

Please note that the revised due date is Friday August 28




To take part, you will need TWO devices:

On the first device (like a phone or ipad) you need to play the song and have the lyrics visible. Your performer should only have their earphone in one ear so they can hear the track to sing along to, can hear themselves enough to sing in tune BUT so no one else can hear that music. It is very important that only your child can hear when you are doing the recording.


The second device (like another phone) is for recording your child singing the song. So the result will be your child singing, but will look like there’s no music.   Don’t worry, this will be taken care of during the editing process.


Please see Compass for communication in regards to uploading your contributions for the Virtual  Choir.


Here are a couple of things to remember:

  • Please wear your BNPS uniform when recording the video
  • Please make sure we can see your child’s face clearly - not too close but maybe so we can see him/her from the waist up
  • Encourage your child to sing (or perform the AUSLAN) with plenty of energy and lots of smiles – it’s a happy message
  • Please be as close to the microphone as possible
  • HAVE FUN – this will be awesome!

If you have any further questions, please email Audrey Fine at school. 

Thank you for your support

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