House News
During May Warrnambool College embraced their inner bogan and enthusiastically supported Logan’s fundraising efforts for Food Share. The lunchtime food sale of pizza’s, snags and hot chocolate quickly sold out. The generosity of the parents/guardians and students of Logan’s House enabled the traditional bake sale to be a huge success.
Logans were able to raise a significant amount of money that will be donated directly to Food Share. The student leaders followed this up with a Winter Food Drive, whereby we collected canned and dry goods for donation to the Food Share warehouse stock. This has been very successful. Logans would like to thank everyone who donated food. We were able to fill a number of food bins with donated goods that were collected on Monday by the Food Share warehouse.
A special thank you to Childers House for all the food donations – Childers collected almost as much as Logans!
Thank you to all Warrnambool College families that have supported Logans and Food Share is some manner this term.
Jen Penn