Fossils of Bayside

Year 7 BEST Incursion

On Wed 20/11 we were very lucky to have Ben Francishelli, a Vertebrate Palaeontologist from Museums Victoria present to our Year 7 BEST classes on the 'Lost World of Bayside Fossils’.  He presented his current research into the fossils found at Beaumaris Bay - including giant sperm whales, megalodons, ancient sharks, giant pelicans, strange mammals and ancient food chains we had never imagined.  It was great to hear his insight into his work looking for fossils in the field and his preparation of them back in the lab.  Following his presentations at our College, Ben went for a dive in search of fossils at a newly discovered local site and uncovered a fossil tooth of a gigantic predatory sperm whale (see photo).

If you are interested in the fossils of Bayside you might also like to follow the work of Ben Francischelli (Museums Victoria) on social media – Lost World of Bayside Fossils.  His Instagram and Facebook posts are a great way to keep up to date with these amazing local fossil discoveries.