From the Principal...

Mrs Alanna McRae


Congratulations to all our School Captains and School Vice Captains, House Captains and House Vice Captains who received their badges at our Ash Wednesday Mass. I wish them every success in the roles during the year ahead. My advice to them is to remember that Leaders never stop learning and improving their skills no matter what their age or position. They need to always look at how they can improve and grow to meet the needs of their elected role.

Parent and Teacher Interviews 

In Week 6 we will commence our Parent Teacher Interviews where we set student goals for the first semester (Term 1 and 2). These meetings are 15 minutes in length and will be with both facilitators of learning in your child's grade level. Interview times will go out next week via Compass for parents to book.


Principals Meeting

Thursday and Friday of last week I attended the Diocesan Principals Meeting in Armidale. Last Friday Bishop Kennedy launched, for the Armidale Diocese, the 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia Celebrations. There will be further events through the Diocese and School to recognise this event as the year progresses.