Classroom News - Year 5

Mrs Fittler and  Mr Lester  

Settling in

We are getting into the full swing of Term 1! All teachers have enjoyed getting to know the students and are now racing ahead with our learning. 

Year 5 Parent Information Session

Thank you to all parents for attending the Year 5 Zoom Parent Session. We enjoyed meeting you all and look forward to our parent teacher meeting in Week 6. Parents should be able to select a time to come and meet with us on Compass

Covering all students books

Thank you to all parents that have helped with covering students workbooks. We would love all students to cover their books as it helps them keep together for the year.



We have been focusing on time. Students may benefit from extra input on how to convert between 12hr and 24hr time; how to read timetables; the different time zones in Australia and beyond. In English we are continuing with our novel study on 'The Whale Song' and starting Big Writes this week.

Equipment for Year 5

Just a reminder to check with your child that they have brought all of the equipment they need for the year. They need to bring in headphones to use for technology.

Talk Homework

Students will bring home Talk Homework this week, so keep asking your child what they are writing about and they can have a conversation with you about the Big Write they have coming up.