The Break of Dawn

Luke 1:78-80 (TPT)

The splendor-light of heaven’s glorious sunrise is about to break upon us in holy visitation, all because the merciful heart of our God is so very tender. 

The word from heaven will come to us with dazzling light to shine upon those who live in darkness, near death’s dark shadow.  And he will illuminate the path that leads to the way of peace.”


I confess that mornings are not my favourite part of the day but the Easter Long Weekend is one time of the year that has become a significant time of reflection.


As the sunlight breaks the darkness of the night on Easter Sunday morning, I make it a priority to wake early enough to see this transaction of dark to light.


The photo above was taken in  2018 while my family were camping within a forest.  The air was still, the birds were awaking and the light scattered across the earth's atmosphere and gave me the simplest of gifts - warmth and peace.


I sat there reflecting on the gift of Jesus in my life and the importance of seeking truth in all areas of my life.  The scripture in Luke, are the words that the father of John the Baptist spoke over his son knowing that he would prepare the hearts for those who were longing for a rescuer.  A plan marked out by God the Father to return all those who he so dearly loves back into his loving purposes and plans for their lives.  A plan that did not require anything of mankind which is a true reflection of the heart of God.


I encourage you if you are yet to hear the true meaning of Easter - take some time over the long weekend to read (or listen) through the great rescue plan of God through the life of Jesus.

God sent Jesus to be our Rescuer.  To bring light, hope and peace into our lives that is beyond our human understanding.


Blessings of God's abundant grace, mercy and love be upon you and your families this upcoming Easter weekend.