Communications Working Party Update

The Communications Working Party (CWP) was formed in 2019 to help enhance and streamline how the school communicates with its community. 


In 2020, we surveyed parents, carers and staff, and have worked closely with the school to identify where improvements can be made. This week we also conducted a focus group with staff members from a range of areas to better understand their approach.


In particular, we’ve used the information you’ve given us to suggest improvements to Sentral and the Newsletter. You may have noticed Sentral notifications work more reliably and new functions, such as a calendar, have been added to help you with your planning.  Update to the latest version of Sentral on your phone to reap the benefits!


In 2021 we plan to draw on the community’s feedback to suggest a definitive communications plan for the school.


Lou Conroy, Kate Cunningham, Clinton Lubcke, Drew Roberts and Van Sowerwine