
As many of the BNW community are aware the Foundation team have implemented a new guided play approach this year. Each morning the students come in and participate in at least an hour of play. They begin the session by reviewing the learning intentions for play (which are adapted from the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework) before they go and enjoy rich and purposeful play. The Foundie teachers support the children in their play whilst collecting data to help the children develop their social, emotional and academic skills. Likewise the teachers are listening and observing to ensure the students’ interests are being met. This way the teachers can provide an engaging and inviting environment for the students to play and interact with. 

Our Foundie team has been guided through this new pedagogy by our new AP and play expert Keir and are loving learning from him and the collaboration process to develop a meaningful program for the students. 



Some early positives that we have noticed from our students so far this year is that as a cohort they are already seem very settled and comfortable being at school. Also, the Foundies already know all their classmates names and lots about each other which is making play times and lunchtimes an easier transition. Already this year the students have been involved in such rich learning experiences about sharing, including others, how to join in play, how to be part of a learning community and the list goes on. 


The Foundie team cannot wait to continue on this guided play learning journey with the children and see where the play will take us.