Federation University Excursion

Year 12 Physical Education Excursion to Federation University, Ballarat Campus.
50 Physical Education students from TSC travelled to Federation University on Tuesday the 23rd of February to engage in Biomechanical testing, Qualitative Analysis and Vo2 Max testing.
Students spent the day engaged in elite athlete level testing, strengthening their understanding of Unit 3 & 4 content and concepts. It was outstanding to see our Students participate and engage displaying such high-level engagement with University lecturers. Not only were students able to consolidate previous learnings in a new environment, but also gather and report on Data that will be utilised in upcoming SAC assessments.
Students were provided with a tour of the Ballarat Campus and exposed to potential further studying options open to them at Federation University. Congratulations to all Physical Education students who participated in the day – it was a fantastic experience for all involved.
Lauren Marino, Justine Radford & Jordan Membrey
Year 12 Physical Education Teachers