Resource Centre - Bentleigh East

What’s happening in Teaching and Learning at St Bede’s?


Students have settled into the library environment during recess and lunchtime enjoying the facilities and socialising. Reorganisation of the physical print collection has enabled designated areas and the new Chess Lounge is popular with avid chess fans who are regular participants. 


Library English classes for Year 7 and 8.4 are underway and students have been introduced to the new resource centre website. Students participated in listing their favourite book title and favourite past time using “Think, Pair, Share”. 

The library is open before school, recess and lunchtimes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Students are welcome to socialise, study, complete homework, play chess and are expected to respect this collaborative learning space. Wednesday and Friday are as advised.


This year students at the Bentleigh East campus have access to a wide range of digital resources – eBooks and Audio books as well as the print book collection.Students are now able to borrow and 2020 students are requested to return any holiday loans.

Suggestions for new books to add to the collection can be sent via email to Mrs Viner Access to the resource centre webpage is available 24/7 via Simon – Resource Centre.



Jane Viner

Resource Coordinator