Middle School News

What an amazing start to the year for our Middle school students!
Students have been introduced to the MYSELF program where we learnt about how Year 9 students across our state are making major impacts to their communities. MYSELF allows our learners to plan amongst themselves the ways in which their learning is orientated, and they have many opportunities to work collaboratively to agree upon activities and even excursions!
A major component that students always looks forward to in Year 9 is the MyFuture class as they will soon be able to develop their own resumes and cover letters whilst getting some first-hand interview experiences. In order for our learners to get the most out of this program, please notify DiSCovery teachers of any laptop issues as they will be needed not only in their classes, but for the upcoming NAPLAN tests as well.
The PDF below provides further details about the MYSELF Program at DSC in 2022.
Tony Leung
Excellence Teaching Learning Leader
Chinese New Year
Interestingly, the first day of this term is actually the first day of Chinese New Year, the year of tiger. It was so great to see students back in our classrooms, ready to thrive. In this festive season, I have always enjoyed hands-on crafting work as a student and as a teacher.
In our language classrooms, Year 8 students learned how to create an agamograph to show the transition from the year of Ox to the year of Tiger. In Chinese culture, tiger is an emblem of dignity, power as well as courage. 祝大家虎虎生威!(I hope that all of us forge ahead with the vigour and vitality of the tiger!)
Ms. Jing
Chinese Language Teacher
Student Reflections
An “agamograph” is a piece of art that changes its picture depending on the angle you are looking at and is similar to an optical illusion. In my first lesson for year 8 Mandarin, we have learnt how to make one. One of the angles shows an ox which is the zodiac animal of 2021 and the other shows a tiger which is the zodiac animal of 2022. It represents the order of the lunar cycle. It was a very fun and easy activity to complete and I hope you a wonderful remaining Chinese new year!
Misk, 8D
Like the ever transitioning pictures, life is no different. Days fade into weeks, weeks into months and those into years. From the first year of high school to the second, then third, fourth and so on. In a blink of an eye, I found myself taking my books from a different locker, meeting different teachers and adjusting to life as an eight grader. Like the pictures, life can change depending on the point of view you choose to take. The year of the ox has come and gone and in its turn, the tiger shall roar. All we can do is to accept it. Time is an endless loop and sooner or later, we will find ourselves in the second cycle of the zodiac, once again feeling the power of the tiger, "Time isn't the main thing. It's the only thing."
Xinru 8D