2021 VCE Achievements

image: 2021 VCE Subject Award Winners

2021 VCE Results

The Doncaster Secondary College community congratulates our Class of 2021 for their hard work and all that they have achieved last year.   We have summarised our College 2021 VCE results, reflecting on some excellent achievements.


The maximum possible ATAR is 99.95. Our top three ATAR results in 2021 were 98.6, 97.65 and 97.45.

DUX of 2021

Doncaster Secondary College

Achieves 98.6 ATAR


Congratulations to Faye Magee who is DSC's 2021 DUX with an ATAR of 98.6! Faye has achieved her goals and has been accepted to study a Bachelor of Science at Melbourne University.  We caught up with Faye recently and asked her a few questions about her Year 12 experience and what is on the horizon for her this year.


What year did you begin at DSC and what units did you undertake in Year 12? 

I began at DSC in 2016 (Year 7). My year 12 subjects were: English, Italian, Chemistry, Maths Methods and Maths Specialist.


Our College vision is: Working Together, Learning Together.  What did this mean for you in your final year?

I was lucky enough to have a really great group of friends and classmates in year 12 who both helped and supported me through the year. I often consulted them when I was confused with classwork and we did a cute little study group on zoom towards the end of the year. These instances – which conveniently reflect the college vision -- not only made the year much easier for me, but also much more enjoyable!


What strategies did you use to maintain focus and motivation in Year 12?

I made daily to-do lists and wasn’t overly strict with myself. I tried to make studying a habit rather than a chore, but I also scheduled regular breaks for myself. I reminded myself of my goals and intentions throughout the year and regularly would envision myself at the finish line, using that as motivation. I did a study group with my friends on zoom towards the end of the year, which acted as an outlet for holding myself accountable. I changed where I studied every so often as a refresh. I would try to relate things studied to my personal life (if applicable). I would look at and annotate many sample responses or papers from high-scoring students to both build on my own ideas and give me a source of inspiration.


What has been your biggest learning in your final year?

I think my biggest learning has been the importance of prioritizing myself and doing what is best for my life. Whilst studying and school seems to be at the forefront of year 12, there is also a lot of personal development in the background. The stress and culmination of feelings throughout the year forces you to examine yourself and your habits. I learnt that I am responsible for my own life and my reactions to things that happen in it. Nobody else is responsible for my life nor am I responsible for theirs. 


Now that you have your results, what are your immediate plans?

I will begin a science degree at uni in a few weeks! For now, I’m mainly just working at my part time job and seeing my friends.


Do you have any parting words or advice for students at Doncaster Secondary College?

Remember that school and VCE are temporary. This period of your life, like everything else, will end eventually, so just keep pushing through and keep holding on but also appreciate it for what it is. You won’t be in an environment like this ever again and that’s pretty special. So, however you feel about school, just remember that it will end and your VCE studies will be over and you have such an exciting life ahead of you to look forward to. 
Also, a little kindness towards others can go a long way!!

2021 VCE Subject Awards

On Wednesday 2 February, we welcomed our 2021 VCE Subject Award Winners back on campus for a live-streamed medal ceremony. The purpose of this ceremony was to recognise the effort and hard work that these students have demonstrated in VCE Units 3 & 4. 

In order to be a VCE Subject Award Winner, students must have achieved the highest score in a subject. 2021 was a year that provided plenty of challenge, with intermittent lockdowns throughout the year and uncertainty clouding the exam period, these students persevered and managed to achieve outstanding results. The College formally commemorates their achievements with medallions. 



You showed tremendous resilience during very challenging circumstances. You will all have had times throughout your lives and most recently in the last 1-2 years which made you question yourself, times when feelings of self-doubt emerged, and times that you just felt like you couldn’t get it all done. These are all normal feelings, but your response to work through each challenge sets you apart. You continued to focus on your goals, your problem solved, you called on supports and supported others, and brought your best, whatever your best was, you brought it on any given day. This is something that you have not just turned on in the last 12 months, but it is a mindset and a set of skills that you have been working on since before you started at DSC. 

- Glenn Morris, Principal


Congratulations to our VCE Subject Award Winners for 2021!

  • Rama Kaorma: Accounting and Applied Computer Software Development 
  • Harry Bui: Accounting and English EAL.
  • Victoria Mok: Biology.
  • James Italia-Prasad: Biology, English and Physical Education
  • Ria Mehta: Business Management 
  • Ethan Jayamanna: Chemistry, Maths Methods and Physics 
  • Giverny Walters: Chemistry 
  • Dean Mavritsakis: Economics 
  • Jessica Ritchie: English Language 
  • Liadan Mack: Health and Human Development 
  • Maree Platakis: History Revolutions and Greek
  • Jen Shean Fach: Chinese Second Language 
  • Jessica Mollard: Italian 
  • Mehrana Bayaki: Persian 
  • Halimah Mian: Legal Studies 
  • Kelly Ng: Legal Studies 
  • Erin Lauder: English Literature 
  • Isabelle Lombardi: Maths Further 
  • Elina Jayamana: Music Performance 
  • Meagan Ting: Psychology 
  • Kira Vivekanantham: Psychology
  • Rebecca Baglow: Visual Communication 
  • Mia Kiely: Visual Communication 

Doncaster Secondary College is proud of all students’ VCE and VCAL success during such an extraordinary year. We're also extremely proud of our staff for their hard work and dedication to challenging our students to be their best.