College Information

Official DSC Facebook page
Follow our College Facebook page for more regular news and insights about our school community.
Privacy Reminder
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
Please take time to remind yourself of our school's privacy policy, found on our website and review the Secondary School collection statement attached below.
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy – information for parents. This information is available in ten community languages.
Safety Reminder:
School Pick-Up and Drop-Off Zone
With many new families joining the DSC community, we would like to remind parents of safety issues around the school pick-up and drop-off zone located on Church Road.
This area is designed to improve safety for students and to reduce congestion during the busy morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times. Please note that this zone is strictly a 1-2 minute parking spot. You must also not double park, or stop in the line of traffic to pick-up or drop-off a child, as this forces children onto the road and causes traffic congestion. Parking in the bus zone is also prohibited.
If there are no spots available in the pick-up/drop-off zone, there is plenty of parking available in neighbouring side-streets.
Please be aware that parking regulations are enforceable by Manningham Council, so if you choose to park illegally you may be booked.
We look forward to your support to help us provide a safe environment for our children and to maintain traffic flow during these buys times.
Belinda McGee
Assistant Principal
New Bus Operator
For the past 9 years, Transdev have been providing bus services for our students. On January 31st a new operator, Kinetic Melbourne, have taken control of the Metropolitan Bus Franchise under a 9.5-year contract. Please find attached a transition school notice from Transdev.
Breakfast Club
Held every Friday during the school term from 8.00am - 9.00am all students are invited to join the Wellbeing team for games and some early morning brekkie before school. Breakfast Club is currently meeting outside W-Block.
Sustainable School Shop
More than 200 families at the school per year use the Sustainable School Shop service for buying and selling second-hand uniforms. This is a busy uniform trading time, so tap the link below to buy or sell DSC uniforms.
School Policies
All school policies are located on the Doncaster SC website and they are updated on a regular basis. If you have a question about our school procedures or require information, the Policy page - located under the 'Our College' drop-down menu - may be able to assist you.