Staff & Operations

A New Organizational Structure
2022 marks the beginning of a new School Strategic Plan and the introduction of an organizational design structure to align school resources to meet our strategic goals. We now operate with three sub-schools - Junior School (Year 7 & 8), Middle School (Year 9) and Senior School (Year 10, 11 & 12). Each school has a clear vision and understanding of their role in targeting and enhancing the learning journey of our students, and will provide the leadership and structure required to improve student learning outcomes.
When students arrive in year 7 we will welcome them and their families to our community. The transition will focus on what it means to be part of our community, our vision for learning, our values, and their role in the learning partnership. Throughout Year 7 and 8 we will prioritise the development of numeracy, literacy and the personal and social capabilities. These skills are the foundation for the learning which is to follow.
When students arrive in year 9 we will provide them with an experiential program where they can explore their identity and their world. A high challenge/low threat environment will develop their critical and creative thinking capabilities and high academic outcomes. They will establish patterns of behaviour for future success in the senior school.
Students will arrive in senior school with a stronger sense of self and purpose. In Year 10 they will continue to participate in opportunities which strengthen this, allowing them to make important decisions about the next steps in their learning journey. Students in senior school will have the skills and capabilities to achieve academic excellence and enter the world beyond DSC.
We have made a significant investment in increasing and aligning human resources to achieve our goals. Each stage of learning throughout the College and must be respected and approached with purpose. With this, we have implemented Professional Learning Communities, which will be the main avenue for building capacity, increasing teacher collaboration and collective efficacy. The image or pdf below illustrates the new organizational design being implemented at DSC in 2022.
A Positive Climate and Community Leader is...
all about working with staff and families to establish a strong learning partnership and lead school wide initiative to make the learning environment one that is positive for optimised learning growth.
Excellence in Teaching and Learning Leaders...
have an aim to review, create and implement best curriculum and teaching practices that are in line with our College's visions and values. They work closely with teachers to support the use of evidence-based assessment and constant reflection on teaching strategies. DSC has an aim to meet each student at their point of need, and the Teaching and Learning Leaders support and collaborate with classroom teachers to do this, with consideration for student data, our school's goals and staff needs.
The role of Learning Specialists are...
to build the capacity of teachers to improve student learning growth and foster positive school climate through demonstration lessons, coaching, mentoring, and observational practice.
What does it look like in the school:
While in a classroom Learning Specialists may take notes about the teacher’s learning instructions, student’s levels of classroom engagement, student behaviour and peer relationships. Students may see Learning Specialist team teaching with their classroom teacher or working with teachers and families to support students with ways to differentiate their learning. We aim to visit as many classrooms as possible and to support staff to view each other’s lessons. We’re excited to see all of the amazing work that’s going on at DSC, and to build a community that celebrates excellence in Teaching and Learning.
How we support families:
Regular communication through the school's newsletter or Compass post, Learning Specialist will help to share tips on maximising your child’s learning at DSC.
Welcome New Staff
We extend a very warm welcome to our new College staff for 2022!
Daniel Campbell
Positive Climate Leader, Senior School
Stephanie Davis
Educational Support, Admin
Lisa Flint
Education Support, Middle School
Hannah Genova
David Glaubitz
Studio Arts
Catherine Guymer
Education Support, Junior School
Tony Leung
Excellence Teaching Learning Leader
Kane McMaster
Health & PE
Patricia Musumeci
Education Support, Admin
Mary Petridis
Science & Maths
Brett Powell
Michael Rehfisch
Mark Shelley
Caitlin Wilks