Music Matters

Welcome to Music 2022!
After two years of false starts we are very hopeful that this year will bring many more opportunities for performances and face to face teaching experiences.
All our instrumental staff have been following up on the returned music surveys and have been giving trials on our large range of instruments. Students have been able to try Flutes, Clarinets, Saxophones, Trumpets, Trombones, French Horns, Euphoniums, Tubas, Violins, Violas, Cellos, Double Basses, Guitars and Percussion. If you haven’t completed the music survey, it’s not too late. Follow this link:
Watch the videos in the survey and select at least three instruments that you would like to try.
Instrumental staff will come and see you and let you try your choices with their guidance.
There will also be the chance to meet the instrumental staff and ask specific questions about the instruments at the Year 7 BBQ this Wednesday 16th February.
Once you have tried all the instruments you’re interested in, go to this link:
Final Preferences:
Nominate your three preferences and we will endeavour to give you your first choice or consult with you on reasons why your second or third preference would be better for you.
We will also forward you buying guides for the instrument you have been allocated.
Instrumental lessons are back and most students should have had their first lessons for the year this week. Music levies are also now appearing on compass for students in years 8-12. After many years of the levies being $350 we have finally increased the levies to $450. Still incredible value for nearly 40 lessons and weekly ensemble rehearsals and many performance opportunities. Private tuition fees would be $40 per half hour without the ensemble experiences included.
Please pay your music levies as soon as possible. Students will not be permitted to have lessons after February 18th if their levies have not been paid.
There are payment plan options in the payment portal on Compass.
Mondays 3:30 – 4:30pm (beginning March 8)
Wind Symphony:
Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:45am
Junior Jazz:
Tuesdays 7:45 – 8:45am in DP2
Guitar Ensemble:
Tuesdays lunchtimes in zMP1
Concert Band:
Tuesdays 3:30 – 4:30pm
Wednesdays 7:30am
String Orchestra:
Wednesday lunchtimes 1:10 – 1:55pm
Important Dates
First Semester 2022
Wednesday 16th February: Year 7 BBQ
Year 7 Turbo Days:
- Soundworks: Tuesday 15th March
- Stringworks: Wednesday 16th March
Monday 23rd – Wednesday 25th May: Music Camp
Thursday 2nd June: Winter Concert
Nick Dean
Music Coordinator