Library News

Welcome back to the Library in 2022
The school library is a wonderful hub of learning and discovery where all students are welcome.
Other than offering books, computers and resources, the library is a safe space where students are encouraged to think, create and share information with their friends. Respect for other library users and the resources is something we value at our College.
Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions the Library is not open at lunch or recess at the moment. However, individual students who wish to borrow books are more than welcome to come and select items from our collection. We are very keen for you to continue reading!
We actively promote reading for pleasure as well as for information and have an extensive collection of fabulous new fiction and non-fiction books, as well as instant online access via Compass to our Wheelers audio and ebook collection. The Wheelers platform is simple and easy to use.
Borrowing is for a month and is unlimited. Become part of our reading community and have lots of fun chats about literature with us.
Any students who have outstanding Library books from 2021 please return them as soon as possible. There are no fines for late books but other students are waiting to access the books you borrowed.
The library also houses a printer that students can print and photocopy from and provides spaces for reading, silent study and group work.
Come to the Library and introduce yourself to the friendly staff. We can also help you troubleshoot minor IT problems, look up Compass for you and generally point you in the right direction if necessary.
Best wishes for the school year on behalf of the Library staff. We look forward to seeing you in the library soon!
Left to right:
Mrs Angela Brogno - Library Technician
Mrs Miriam Evans - Library Technician
Mrs Susan Hayward – Curriculum Resource Manager & Yearbook Editor
Book Recommendations
Now that we are back at school remember you can borrow hardcopy books from the school library in addition to borrowing from our ebook collection.
Choose your own story : Shadow Chaser
by Simon Tudhope
(find me in the Short stories area)
The shadows are coming and ONLY YOU can stop them. Your survival depends on the decisions you make.
eBook Recommendations
The Pain, My Mother Sir Tiffy, Cyber boy & Me
by Michael Gerard Bauer
(we also have a hard copy book in the collection)
Maggie But is trudging her way through year 10 and it’s a hard gig, electives, trying to keep her grades up, mean girls … not to mention trying to find a partner for her year 10 dance. The last thing she needs is her mother finding a new boyfriend and complicating her life any further …
This is such a funny book, love it!
Falling from Grace
by Jane Godwin
Two sisters, a wild storm and a startling disappearance …
On one terrible night there is storm at Point Nepean. It’s getting dark and Annie scrambles up the side of a steep hill, Grace tries to follow when suddenly the ground falls away…
An Australian mystery set on the Mornington Peninsula.