Careers News

Year 10 Careers Experience
June 20- 24 2022
Now is the time to start planning!
Year 10 Students have received their Careers Experience Information Packs, where there is a wealth of information to support students with their planning. Inside the packs are the Work Experience Arrangement Forms as well as COVID Safe information. If you have not received your Careers Experience pack, speak to your DiSCovery Teacher or come to the Careers Centre, which is adjacent to the Senior School reception.
Now is the time to start planning and making connections with prospective employers. Students who have part time jobs already should not be looking to those employers for their work experience. This is an opportunity to research and look into the career paths that you may be interested in beyond school.
If you are unsure of what industry to look into, it is also worth reviewing your Year 9 My Career Insights (Morrisby) report, to investigate the career paths that were suggested to you and to reflect on the advice given by the careers consultant.
Being involved in work experience provides an invaluable insight into the world of work. There are many benefits of Work Experience:
- Career aspirations can be confirmed or reconsidered
- A first hand understanding of the world of work is gained
- Employability skills are developed, eg. team building, responsibility, Interpersonal and communication skills
- The relationship between what you are learning at school and what is happening in the workplace is developed
- Growth in independence and confidence
- Motivation to continue working towards career path goals
- Exploration of Career Options
Students should look to network with family and friends to access possible careers experience placements. Once a placement is confirmed, please return the completed and signed Work Experience Arrangement Form to the Careers Centre where there is a box marked “Work Experience Forms”.
Careers Experience is part of the Year 10 curriculum and is compulsory for all Year 10 students. Hopefully this year COVID will not hinder or interrupt students from participating and gaining the important hands on experience that work experience offers. If on site work experience is unable to take place due to COVID or other unforeseen circumstances, the school will be able to make alternate arrangements.
Donna McKinlay
Employability Skills
Knowing how to effectively communicate is a skill that will serve you well in every aspect of your life, particularly at school and work. Strong communication skills allow you to connect and collaborate with others. A common communication skills definition is ‘the ability to be understood and understand others’. To be a good communicator, you need to:
- listen
- empathize
- draw logical conclusions
- build rapport
- adapt language to your audience
- act accordingly upon the information you gather
Read more here:
Latest DSC Career News
Vanessa Ramsay
Career Development Coordinator