Kalinda Sports News 

Watch us try- watch us fly.

Grade 6 Inter School Sport


Throughout term 1, students in Grade 6 will compete in the Summer Inter-School Sport program. 

The sports included in this program are Basketball, Softcrosse, Tennis Hotshots, Volleybounce, Woolworths Cricket Blast, and Tee Ball.


The Grade 6 students were first invited to express interest in their most favoured of the available sports. They were then placed immediately into that team, provided that there were enough playing positions available to do so. If there were more expressions of interest than there were available playing positions, trials were conducted. All trials have been held, and Grade 6 students have now been placed into a team and will compete along with their teammates against other schools in the Ringwood North District. These schools include Croydon Hills, Antonio Park, Heathmont East, Eastwood, Great Ryrie, and Wonga Park.


In Term 1 Summer Inter-School Sport is played on Friday mornings, and game play is from around 9:30am until 10:30am. Some teams play at the away school and travel via bus, and the other teams play at home (Kalinda). The venues at which each of the teams play is negotiated by both schools based upon a discussion about the quantity, quality and availability of facilities between them. Teams who perform particularly well may receive the honour of being invited to represent Kalinda Primary School beyond district level (division, region and state).


We wish all the teams the very best in the Summer Inter-School Sport program.





Grade 5 Dugdale Cup


Dugdale Cup is an Intra School Sport competition for Grade 5 students. It is named in honour of Ted Dugdale, Kalinda Primary School’s maintenance facilitator. 


Students participate in this program every Friday afternoon, completing a warm-up, skills session, and then game. They compete in their house teams and play against one another in the stream of sports that are offered within the Inter-School Sport program, preparing them with the necessary knowledge, ​skills and confidence for Inter-School Sport the following year.


Points are rewarded each round and the winning house is rewarded and presented at the conclusion of the competition, which is at the end of Term 2. 


Wishing all the house teams the best of luck! 


Jessica Oakley 

Physical Education Teacher