School Counsellor 

Emily Bieber - at Kalinda on Tuesdays  and Thursdays in Term 4.

2022?! How exciting. I feel positive and hopeful about a great year ahead for the students and families at KPS.


The year of the tiger (happy new Lunar Year!) and the International Year of “Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development” (perhaps needs a bit of work that one – not very catchy….see image below for what it means).


The counselling program continues here at Kalinda. Emily is on site Mondays and Thursdays and will be supporting children with their social and emotional needs. There’ll be talking, mindfulness, gardening, drawing, craft, play, fun, and safety: a safe place to talk and feel heard. In 2022, it’s not all going to be smooth sailing every day of course, and we’ll all react differently to the transition back to school during a continuing pandemic. Please let us know what you and your children need. A warm welcome to all our new students and families. We hope every day at school that you feel the community around you. 


You can contact the counselling service via the office or by asking for Lauren Hopkins.





Drop me a line or give me a call if you would like any information.

Emily Bieber: or 9876 3289