Welcome to 2022

By Peter Cliffe (Principal) 

Welcome to 2022, a year of change and transition! I am so excited to be beginning my journey at BHCS as the new Principal. Andy Callow has clearly left an indelible mark upon BHCS, I certainly have very big shoes to fill! I am greatly looking forward to meeting with the students, parents and wider school community as school resumes. 


Over the past couple of weeks, I have been working closely with our leadership team and staff preparing for the year ahead. A highlight for me was the opportunity to spend a day off site with our leadership team praying and planning for 2022. I am so impressed with the quality, integrity and passion of the BHCS leaders and staff. 


Our theme for 2022 is ‘The Faith to Serve’. We invite our whole school community to join us as we journey through 2022, to look beyond ourselves as we seek to honour the Lord in our service to Him and each other.


What does it mean to be a Christian teacher in the modern world? Teachers are significant people in the students’ lives. In a private meeting with Jesus, Nicodemus paid him one of the finest tributes, when he called Jesus, “Rabbi….a teacher who has come from God”. The essence of what makes Christian teachers different is expressed here. Christian teachers have a vision of hope, outworked in the grace and power of the Gospel that transforms lives and enriches relationships. 


Jesus challenges us to be the ‘salt of education’, not to live off education but for it. Teachers who have this passion will walk the talk, narrowing the gap between what they believe in and how they live. Students are the first to realise if teachers are living in truth or just saying the right words.


All of the staff at BHCS can play a significant part in transforming the lives of our students. In settings and circumstances (what I call ‘God moments!’) our staff can open windows of opportunity for them to catch a glimpse of God’s purposes. I am so impressed that our staff perceive their jobs as more than a profession; they see it as a vocation, a calling and a servanthood of ministry.


I do a feel a strong sense of calling to this new role and season in my life. 2022 is my 22nd year as a Principal in schools and 35th year working in schools. My experience in school and leadership is long, but each day I wake feeling energised, excited and eager to begin a new day. Driving in to the BHCS carpark each morning and catching a first glimpse of those magnificent tall trees and hearing the calls of the kookaburra, reminds me of the goodness of God and I am so thankful that He has placed me here at this time.  It is so great to have the students back on site and to feel the buzz and excitement that only children can bring.


Finally, please do not hesitate to approach me and say ‘hi’ if you see me around the school. I am greatly enjoying meeting many new people and doing my best to recall all the new names!