Sports Update

Polding Rugby League

Congratulations to Toby Adams, Fletcher Barratt, Patrick Wright, Ethan Graham and Bobby Chard for their amazing skills and sportsmanship displayed at the Polding Rugby League trials held in Bathurst last Friday. Special mention to Fletcher Barratt for being named in the 11 years Polding team! This is an enormous achievement. I have asked around and to my knowledge St Joseph’s hasn’t had a student make this rugby league team in my 15 years here! Well done Fletcher, you truly are a talented athlete.

Cross Country

This Friday, 36 students will travel to Barraba to participate in the Armidale Diocesan Cross Country Carnival. All information has been emailed to parents and also uploaded as ‘resources’ in the Diocesan Cross Country Event in Compass. We can’t wait to see our students proudly wearing the St Joseph’s representative sports uniform, previously purchased by our extremely supportive P&F. Thank you P&F and all the best cross country runners!