Student Wellbeing

Places of Belonging

The idea of the ‘Third Place’ reflects the notion that people need more than just their ‘First Place’ (home) or ‘Second Place’ (school/work) to support their growth and well-being. The reality is that we all face challenges in our ‘first’ or ‘second’ places at times; it could be family breakdown or financial stress at home, whilst our workplaces or schools can sometimes be places of conflict (despite our best efforts).


During these times, a ‘Third Place’ can have an important role in helping us through difficulties.

‘Third Places’ can provide vital support networks for our children; ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ is an oft-quoted phrase that reflects the ‘Third Place’ idea. These are safe places where children have a sense of ‘belonging’, where they can be themselves and be supported in their development.


Extended family are an obvious supportive ‘Third Place’, as are close family friends. Youth, sports, music, theatre, arts and service groups provide regular social interaction and activity, whilst local gardens, libraries and cafes can provide space for ‘Third Place’ gatherings. 


Whilst we all work to make our ‘First’ and ‘Second’ places safe and comforting spaces for our children, we can also work on identifying and strengthening our ‘Third’ places.


The more positive places we have, the better!

