Teaching & Learning
VCE Legal Studies Incursion 2021: Online Law Talk with the Juries Commissioner
On 23 July 2021, Units 2 & 4 VCE Legal Studies students participated in an “incursion” – an online law talk with the Victorian Juries Commissioner, Paul Dore.
As we were in remote learning, the students all joined the video call on Teams. The Commissioner shared his knowledge and experience of the jury system in Victoria, including some differences between our system and that of other jurisdictions, both elsewhere in Australia and overseas.
The students were keen to ask their pre-prepared questions as well as those sparked by the discussion. The Unit 2 (Year 11) students are currently learning about the role of the jury in criminal trials, including the empanelment process. Being called up for jury duty in future is something many of the students are looking forward to. The Unit 4 (Year 12) students consider juries in the context of the rights of an accused, but have also considered the recommended reform to abolish juries in civil matters. The students sought the Commissioner’s view on this topic in order to deepen their understanding.
Overall, it was a very enjoyable and informative session for everyone. The Commissioner was very impressed with our students, who he describes as a “great group of young people”. In an email after the event, the Commissioner stated, “Please send them my thanks for being so engaging and intelligent”. He also offered students the opportunity to send through any follow-up questions and provided some useful resources, including a poster for our classroom. The students were very grateful for the being given the opportunity to attend the incursion and learn from an expert in the field. The students co-created a padlet of gratitude, which has been sent to the Commissioner!
Jactina Marlborough
Legal Studies Teacher
Duke of Edinburgh: Updates
Physical Recreation and Skill
Although interrupted by lockdowns, students have begun working on their Physical Recreation and Skill components of the Duke of Edinburgh program. Students are developing map reading, navigation skills and completing a range of orienteering courses in a set time. Each excursion has increased in difficulty and time requiring students to work together and make decisions on the most appropriate route to reach as many checkpoints as possible in the time required. So far, students have been to Karkarook park, Jells Park and Westerfolds Park with Braeside and You Yangs currently postponed until Term 4.
Community Service
As part of the community service component of the Duke of Edinburgh, students have begun working on the garden space out near the tech rooms. Students were required to work in small teams to design their garden space and are working on incorporating a theme. ‘Well done!’ to Harry, Brian, Keira and Vrunda who put together the proposal to present to Ms Koziaris.
Students also gave up their Tuesday to support Oakleigh South Primary School run their athletics carnival. The feedback was very positive from the primary school teachers and the students did a fantastic job of representing the school.
Adventurous Journey
Students have selected the Grampians as the site of their Adventurous Journey this year and are planning to mount a four-night expedition into this area. Students have identified key hikes they would like to complete, planned some evening activities and a celebratory lunch for their rest day. Depending on restrictions students are aiming to have this camp up and running for the end of Term 4 or early Term 1.
Chris Blattman
Head of House: Waratah