Principal's Message

Nurture.  Innovate.  Celebrate


Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families,


Discovery Transition session. 


The Maramba Footsteps into Foundation Discovery session is a fun, engaging discovery learning program, which allows pre- school aged children to participate in a variety of play-based activities. This allows your child to experience school activities in a way that feels fun and safe, allowing your child’s transition to school to be smooth and enjoyable.


Maramba’s first Discovery session was on the 11th of August, and we had over 25 families participating with very excited preschool students who eagerly joined our Foundation teachers on Webex who are enthusiastic to transition to Maramba next year. 


One of our fantastic teachers, Mrs. Ladouceur read a story called ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. While she was reading the story, we all joined in to act out what was happening in the story. 


These sessions are a great way for the children to meet the teachers through storytime with a follow-up craft activity and become familiar with some of the fun things we do in Foundation!

Due to the current restrictions, we are unable to hold these sessions in the classroom. The Discovery Session will be held online via WebEx. Please make sure you register your interest to receive the unique web link to access these sessions. We hope to see you all at our next Discovery session on the 25th of August at 2.15 pm. In this session, we will be discussing healthy lunchboxes and providing students with ideas of what they might pack in their lunch when they come to school.





If you haven't handed in your enrolment for next year yet we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. We are right in the planning phase for 2022 and starting to develop class lists and matching our fantastic Foundation teachers to each class.  


You can find the necessary information and forms on our school website:


There is also a great Virtual Tour for new families who would like to get a fee of our amazing school. 


If you have any further questions or would like to speak to us about enrolling you can either call 9796 7150 or email our school. We are here to help!





As a HUMAN LITERACY school community we significantly value the importance of our collective Wellbeing. Wellbeing Wednesday is a special wellbeing day for all of our Maramba Primary School families to give you time to relax and look after your wellbeing. 


Our Wellbeing Wednesday's have a strong focus on having a fun and innovative day filled with challenge and excitement for all students and families. The day will enable all of us as a community to celebrate the immense success students and our community have had and are having with learning and working online; provide an opportunity for us to reconnect and recharge with some exciting challenges; spend the day with significantly less screen time and need for devices.


We created some fun challenges for families to consider doing together that will support your wellbeing by addressing all of our Human Literacy S.P.I.C.E.® elements:


Here are some of the spectacular innovations and achievements created by our students and families!


Most importantly, everyone had a lot of fun doing the Wellbeing Wednesday challenges and reset during this period of remote online and flexible learning.


I am looking forward to seeing and sharing some photos again of our community’s amazing innovations for our next Wellbeing Wednesday on the 1st September!


Take care and stay safe!



Kind regards,


Darren Wallace                    Diane Morwood

Principal                                 Assistant Principal