Student wellbeing

Pauline Cutajar, Director of Student Wellbeing and Development

Shelford support

Well what a term it has been so far! I think it’s fair to say that it’s not the way any of us wanted the term to roll out. Having said that, I have been in awe of the way our students, staff and families have managed what has been a less than ideal scenario. So, this edition of student wellbeing news is dedicated to our staff and families who have stood behind and supported our students, throughout the day-to-day ritual and reality of remote learning. Please take a moment to congratulate yourselves on all of your work and support; I am humbled by the strength and optimism that is the Shelford community. Please see below details of two outstanding webinars designed to support and improve your wellbeing and that of your family. Well done Shelford!

Riding the Coronacoaster webinar!

‘COVID-19 has forced many of us to adapt to a new reality of remote learning, working from home, cancelation of social activities and more time spent with family members, which can raise the emotional temperature for everyone. Lockdowns are a stressful time for families, however there are also many things we can do to support and improve our wellbeing during these times. During this discussion, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg will cover what might be useful to say to family and friends, along with the skills, knowledge and strategies for self-care.’


Dr Michael Carr-Gregg is one of Australia’s highest profile child and adolescent psychologists. He is currently the Federal Government’s representative on the board of the Australian Children’s Television Foundation and for the last 14 years has been the parenting expert on Channel 7’s Sunrise as well as a social commentator on radio 3AW.


Riding the Coronacoaster webinar

Date: Thursday 2 September 2021

Time: 7– 8pm


Participants’ fee: Free

Wellbeing session for teachers and parents!

Bayside Glen Eira Kingston Local Learning & Employment Network (BGKLLEN) wants to say thank you for all you have done and continue to do for students during the pandemic. You are invited to attend a free 90-minute wellbeing session.


Teachers’ Wellbeing Matters is a webinar for teachers, educators, and parents who are feeling the stress, fatigue and challenges of remote learning during lockdown. With extended lockdown and an increase in online home learning, the workload, stress and emotional and mental support required of teachers has increased dramatically. The session will be addressing why wellbeing is important, managing expectations and the guilt and shame of trying to manage it all. BGKLLEN hope when you come out of this webinar, you will feel inspired and motivated to implement tools and strategies to cater for your own needs and lockdown environment. They also hope this experience will assist you to finish Term 3 with your ‘cup filled’ and enter the school holidays feeling refreshed and supported.


Teachers’ Wellbeing Matters

For: All teachers, educators and parents across all secondary schools/environments across Bayside, Glen Eira and Kingston

Platform: Webex

Date: Tuesday 14 September 2021

Time: 3.30–5pm


Participants’ fee: Free


Everyone who registers will receive a recording of the session if they attend. 


Pauline Cutajar

Director of Student Wellbeing and Development