Parish News

Fr Alan Fox

This weeks Parish Bulletin is made available for you here:

From the Heart Workshop

An invitation to all in our community...

Community Refugee Sponsorship

The Australian Commonwealth Government has introduced a refugee migration program on a trial basis, where community groups sponsor a refugee family to settle in Australia. Under the scheme, a group of about 10 people in a community sponsor a refugee family and take responsibility for helping the family to settle in the local area, until they find their feet. A group of parishioners within Our Lady of the Assumption Parish and St Agnes Parish are taking steps to sponsor a family. If you would like to learn more about what is being proposed, see: for more information about the program, or contact Adrian Foley on: 0497 780 233, or Email:


Our Lady of the Assumption Parish

Address: 9 Centre Dandenong Road, Cheltenham 3192

Phone: 9583 6161


Parish Bulletin:


Mass Times: 

Sunday 9:00am and 11:00am

Tuesday 6:00pm

Wednesday 9:15am

Thursday 9:15am

Saturday 9:00am

St Agnes Parish

Address: Spring Road & Locinda Street, Highett 3190

Phone: 9532 1794


Parish Bulletin:


Mass Times: 

Saturday (vigil) 6:00pm

Tuesday 9:00am

Friday 9:00am