Wellbeing at OPPS
The Resilience Project / School Wide Positive Behaviours
Wellbeing at OPPS
The Resilience Project / School Wide Positive Behaviours
Orchard Park Primary School is proud to be a School Wide Positive Behaviours School.
We have now achieved Blue Level Acknowledgement on our commitment to implementing the essential features of tier 1 School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) throughout 2022.
School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures.
SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.
When SWPBS is implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:
SWPBS can be implemented in any school setting to support students from Foundation through to Year 12. The framework supports schools to identify and successfully implement evidence-based whole-school practices to enhance learning outcomes for children and young people.
Connected Parenting with Lael Stone and The Resilience Project
We are so excited to announce that in Term Two we have Lael Stone visiting Orchard Park for a parent workshop. Lael Stone is an author, TEDx speaker, counsellor and parenting educator who specialises in navigating trauma and disconnection in families. She has spent the last 17 years working with families, as well as running programs in Secondary schools for teens on relationships and Well-being. She is a mother of three grown up children and the co-founder of Woodline Primary School - a new innovative school focused on supporting emotional intelligence in children.
DETAILS:Date: Monday 15th MayTime: 6:30pm - 8:00pm (90 minutes)Location: Orchard Park PS- Please complete this quick tentative RSVP so that we can organise location and adequate seating. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEIAIft3I0YBd0WxybFdhf0kd8fCFrYsLGVpkCTZxqIhZPKQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Lael Stone & The Resilience Project Parent Evening Please advise how many family members will be attending. This is open to all adults. docs.google.com |
What parents can expect.This Connected Parenting Workshop offers a valuable set of tools for parents and carers aiming to raise children through positive connections and communication. Tips for parents and carers will include;
Dear Year 5 and 6 Parents,
As part of our Health Curriculum we have arranged for Interrelate, an external provider to facilitate the ‘Moving Into The Teen Years’ program with our Year 5 and 6 students. The program runs over three one hour sessions on Monday May 15th, 22nd and 29th. These classes will provide students in the Senior School (taught separately as Year 5 and Year 6 classes) with information about the physical changes of puberty for boys and girls. It will also give students an opportunity to discuss some of the common emotional changes that young people may experience at puberty.
As well as being part of the Australian Curriculum, we feel that when this information is delivered by health professionals who are experts in their field, it alleviates misconceptions and gives students a deeper understanding of the changes they are going through. Classroom teachers will be present during these sessions.
Sitting alongside of these student sessions is our parent information session. This is being run at the school, face to face on Tuesday 2nd May from 5.30pm-6.30pm. This is a parent/carers only session to unpack the content of the learning being undertaken by our students. The session also provides the opportunity for parents and carers to ask questions to support their children as they enter adolescence.
We hope this unit of work (both the parent session and student sessions) will allow conversations to occur in the family environment to support your child’s ongoing growth and understanding of this important, yet challenging stage of their lives.
If you require any further details on this unit of learning, please do not hesitate to contact the school.