Specialist Team
In Performing Arts so far this year, students from across the school have been introduced to various genres of music. From reggae and rap, to rock and First Nations songs, students have had a go at creating their own rhythm patterns, lyrics and learning about the history of these musical styles.
Younger year levels have explored pitch, how we can respond to music with their bodies and voices.
Students in the upper school have investigated time signatures, the difference between tuned and untuned percussion instruments and how to write the foundations of music notes, (taa, ti-ti, tikka-tikka.)
Mrs Downie and I are also assisting the senior choir practice once a week our songs for the Victorian State School Spectacular and we're sounding excellent!
We are so proud of all that the students have achieved so far in our sessions and can't wait to explore more areas of the rich curriculum in Performing Arts.
Mrs Banfield
In Visual Arts, we have been learning about many different artists around the world. Students in Prep and Year 1 have have been learning about Henry Matisse and his collage art. Students created their own bright and colourful collage using shapes and pattern.
Students in Year 2 have been learning about Pablo Picasso. They made their own Picasso face collage using different sized facial features and textured paper.
Students in Year 3/4 have been learning about Piet Mondrian and his modern art. They created a painting where they had to mix their favourite colour to made lighter and darker shades of that colour.
Students in Year 5/6 have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh and landscape painting. They will be creating their own landscape painting this term using different painting techniques.
Mrs McEachern
What a busy semester we have had in STEM! Some highlights for the students have been watching the mealworms grow and change from eggs into adult worms. Lots of our Year 1 and 2 students have enjoyed making observations and handling our meal worms.
Our Year 3 and 4 students have recently been introduced to Makey Makey circuit system to create an interactive poster about flowering fruit plants.
The Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed researching where their food came from and how it was able to end on their plate. Students were able to cook steak, lamb chops, pancakes and pizza, just to name a few.
The Prep students have done a fantastic job of learning about their five senses, especially exploring more about taste and enjoying something sweet.
Keep an eye out for updates on our students entering the Robocup competition in soccer and performance. We have been busy creating our robots and coding ready for the competition in August.
Mrs Delport
It has been a massive semester in PE so far this year!
We are continuing to play new games, practise skills and learn new sports across the whole school inside the PE classroom. However, we have had HEAPS happening outside the PE classroom too!
Our seniors were incredible during our summer interschool sport in Term 1, which culminated at the summer sport Lighting Premiership! This was a fantastic day all around and I was SUPER proud when our cricket girls brought home OPPS’s first district championship pennant! These girls progress to the division championship when summer comes back around in Term 4!
We are currently in the middle of our winter interschool sport, with the winter Lightning Premiership coming up later this term.
The house cross country day was excellent and I am proud of everyone’s effort to run the cross country course!
This of course lead into the district cross country event, which saw more than 30 of our students from the middle and senior school compete against students from 10 other schools in our district. Again, I am super proud of everyone’s effort and congratulations to 8 students - Holly, Lexi, Remy, Jacob, Harley, Koby, Anannya and Mieke who progress to the division event in week 6! Best of luck!
Thanks everyone for your awesome efforts so far in PE this year!