Health Information

Staff First Aid Training

All our wonderful staff participated in their annual CPR training on Wednesday afternoon to ensure they are equipped with the first aid skills to support student health at Belmore School.  All Belmore School staff hold the Provide First Aid qualification which is renewed every three years.  CPR training is then undertaken yearly to optimise our ability to provide CPR in the event of an emergency.  Of course we are fortunate that we have our highly skilled nurses Marcia and Carmel on call to provide advanced support, but you can be reassured that all staff are able to provide immediate first aid support should it be required. Thank you so much to all our staff for their positive involvement.


With thanks to the generosity of our Belmore School community our new defibrillator has arrived and is currently sitting on the front desk of the office while the construction work is occurring.  While our older model is still in working order (which the nurses check on a regular basis) it has been placed in the aquatics center.