Senior School Sport & 


Mr Joe Priest, Head of Sport & Co-curricular

Cocurricular Report

Nedd’s Record Run


Many of you will know one of the Kinross Wolaroi community's ex-students, Nedd Brockmann. Nedd was a student who engaged in many of the offerings from the cocurricular department here at school. He was a rower, 1st grade rugby player and very engaged in the Cadet program. 


Since leaving school he has started a trade and morphed into a marathon running machine. This has led him down a path to an incredible realisation, that it is possible for one person to change the world. Courage is demonstrated daily in our community and is one of our school values. However, Nedd has taken on a mammoth task of running from Cottesloe to Bondi in 40 days to set a world record. This is an incredible concept to plant inside your head. Then to have the strength of character and courage to put it out into the world and action it is truly inspiring and is the absolute definition of courage. 


I encourage everyone in our community to share the love with one of our own as he takes on this feat. You can get involved with his attempt to change the world at:


Dudley Cup Debating


Kinross Wolaroi sent two debating teams to compete in the Dudley Cup debating competition. Both teams were successful in making it to the finals which will be held at Duntry League on 20 October. 


Kinross Wolaroi Blue (Anabelle Van- Wyke, Sala Ormes- Smith, George Hogg and Ollie Krause) won all three debates.


Kinross Wolaroi Green (Issy Wong, Lulu Clinton, Alice Scholte and Gretel Sobotta) won 2 of the three debates. They lost against Kinross Blue.


Good luck to both teams who now head into the finals which be held on Thursday evening 20 October to declare the winner of the Dudley Cup. First prize is $500 and second prize is $250. Well done to all students involved in this fantastic result.  


George Proudford-Nalder – NWS Southern Stars Junior Go Karting Champion


Congratulations to George who has won 2022 NSW Southern Stars Junior go karting championship. This involved competing in four rounds of racing at Orange, Dubbo, Griffith and Canberra during the year. George now has the honour of racing with the Number 1 red plate for the next 12 months. Congratulations to George, a true example of where hard work and dedication can take you.


Orange Eisteddfod


Congratulations to all students involved in the Orange Eisteddfod over the last two weeks. It has been a big couple of weeks with multiple trips to and from the Orange Civic Theatre. It is impressive considering many of the sections were in the Open category against adult bands.  This speaks volumes of the standard that our students are currently playing at.


Senior School Co-curricular Ensembles – Orange Eisteddfod Results


Thompson Ensemble                                    First - Open String Ensemble

Chamber Strings                                            First - Open String Ensemble

Chamber Strings                                            First - Open Secondary School Age String Ensemble

Thompson Ensemble                                     First - School Age String Ensemble

Concert Band                                                  First - Open Large Band

Stage Band                                                      First - Open Jazz/Stage Band

Stage Band                                                      First - Open Contemporary Ensemble

Senior Chamber Ensemble                           First - Open Chamber Ensemble

Orchestra                                                         First - Open Orchestra

Orchestra                                                         Second - Open Orchestra with Solo Instrumentalist

Chamber Choir                                               Highly Commended - Open Choral Championship

Vox                                                                     Second - Secondary School Choir

Koristers                                                           Second - Open Sacred Choral Choir

Koristers                                                           Highly Commended - Open Australian Choral Work


ISA Athletics


This week marked the first ISA athletics carnival since 2018. The carnival atmosphere was fantastic with all the ISA schools represented. The day started off in fantastic fashion with almost all our 80 strong team sitting in the stands cheering Anna Childs home in the first event of the day to a 1st place in the 80m hurdles. This set the scene for the rest of the carnival. The KWS students were fantastic throughout the day filling in whenever an extra thrower, jumper or sprinter was required. Congratulations to the whole team who were excellent ambassadors for the school. A special mention to the following students who won their events on the day.


Anna Childs – 1st place 80m hurdles

Zara Ward – 1st place High Jump

Laura Chudleigh – 1st place High Jump & Long Jump

Ben Jones – 1st place 200m, 800m, 400m

Jono Rasmussen – 1st place Long Jump & High  Jump

Cooper Martin – 1st place 100m

Josie Clark – 1st place 100m


Good luck to the 20 athletes who have qualified for CIS athletics next week.




Hockey finals have been in full swing over the last fortnight. 


KWS 1sts vs Ex-Services – lost 2-0


On Sunday our 1st grade girls played off against Ex-Services for a spot in the women’s division 1 grand-final. It was a physical game of hockey in which the KWS girls fought hard until the final whistle. KWS had plenty of possession and played the game at a frantic pace. This opened up the game and created plenty of quality scoring opportunities. Unfortunately, the Ex-Services goal keeper was up to the task. Despite the loss the whole first grade squad should be proud of their efforts both in this game and across the season. They managed to beat all but one team this year. A fantastic achievement in the women’s division 1 competition. We look forward to watching the younger members of the squad progress with their hockey over the next few years and wish the year 12 girls the best of luck as they leave our program.


Taylah Larking

Cailin McKay

Georgia Sweetapple

Annabelle Woods 


KWS Suns vs KWS Hornets – Hornets won 4-1


What a fantastic lesson in determination. On paper the Hornets had never beaten the Suns. The Hornets also had an extremely hard-fought win over OAGS the week before managing to seal a 1-0 win in double extra time. While the Suns enjoyed the week off to freshen up. It was clear from the start of the game that the Hornets had not let any of that information concern them. They were ready to play from the first whistle. Josie Clarke started with a goal from a short corner early in the first half to put the Hornets in front. From this point on the Suns were always chasing. Oliver Charlton and Harrison Sharpe caused some trouble up front, but Annabelle Woods and Sophie Mahlo had both saved their best till last and denied the Suns of every almost every opportunity. A true team effort from the Hornets ended on the final siren with the Hornets in front 4-1. A comprehensive win to the year 12 girls and a great way to finish the seaon. 


KWS Timberwolves vs CYMS – won 6-0


The Timberwolves have had a good season in the U18 competition. Not beaten all year they fought hard in the semi final to win 2-1 and progress straight through to the grand final. In the grand final it was clear right from the start that they were there to win. The speed of play was outstanding and really put the CYMS team under constant pressure. A very well worked short corner displayed the extra bits of polish that the Timberwolves had added at training over the last couple of weeks. Well done to Darryn Marjoram (coach) and all the Timberwolves players on completing the perfect season. A rare feat that is difficult to achieve. 


Hockey Brunch

A reminder to the hockey community that the hockey brunch will be held this Saturday at the Dorothy Knox Hall at PLC. After such a long break due to COVID it will be fantastic to come together and celebrate a successful season. 

2022 Australia Short Course Swimming Championships

A number of our swimmers recently competed in the 2022 Australian Short Course Swimming Championships held at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre over four action packed days from 24 - 27 August.


Congratulations to our Kinross Wolaroi School swimmers who achieved solid results as follows:


              Kyla Brown

                                           28th        Women’s 100 Breaststroke 

                                           8th          Women’s 100 Breaststroke ‘Age’ Final

                                           39th        Women’s 50 Breaststroke

                                           33rd       Women’s 200 Breaststroke

              Bianca Fuller

                                           13th        Women’s 200 Breaststroke

                                           3rd          Women’s 200 Breaststroke ‘Age’ Final

                                           14th        Women’s 100 Individual Medley 

                                           2nd         Women’s 100 Individual Medley ‘Age’ Final

              Edwina Waterman

                                           41st        Women’s 200 Backstroke