Senior School Performing Arts

Jacqueline​ Shields, Head of Performing Arts

OnStage Nomination: Ethan Kairaitis 

Congratulations to Ethan Kairaitis who has been nominated for OnStage for his Individual Performance piece entitled “A Time to Kill”.  OnStage is a presentation and exhibition of outstanding group and individual performances and projects by HSC Drama students.  Ethan’s piece is inspired by the harrowing racially motivated real crime events of the 1980s Mississippi, and the subsequent cinematised remake “A Time to Kill”. The performance revolves around the noble lawyer ‘Jake Tyler Brigance’ as he sets to affirm his beliefs that equality can exist in the legal system, as well as throughout Southern America. 

Callback Nomination: Nicholas Brown 

Congratulations to Nicholas Brown who has received two nominations for Callback for ‘Core Performance’ and ‘Major Performance’. Callback is the annual showcase of exemplary performances and choreography compositions by HSC students of Dance.

Core Performance is a dance that the HSC Head of Dance choreographs for students to do individually. It is constructed to show a range of technical skills and performance qualities. In Major Performance, students choose to choreograph their own dance. Nick’s self-devised piece, entitled “Overthinker”, explores this concept through physicalising the feeling of fighting an overcrowded brain filled with thoughts (the chatter in the skull) like a perpetual and compulsive repetition of words of reckoning and calculating, and the desperation of trying to rip away one’s own thoughts in order to silence the noise so as to finally be at peace. 


Orange Eisteddfod Results

Many of our co-curricular ensembles recently competed in the City of Orange Eisteddfod, gaining outstanding results across all areas. Congratulations to our wonderful students on their outstanding results.


Thompson Ensemble - First - Open String Ensemble

Chamber Strings - First - Open String Ensemble

Chamber Strings - First - Open Secondary School Age String Ensemble

Thompson Ensemble - First - School Age String Ensemble

Concert Band - First - Open Large Band

Stage Band - First - Open Jazz/Stage Band

Stage Band - First - Open Contemporary Ensemble

Senior Chamber Ensemble - First - Open Chamber Ensemble

Orchestra - First - Open Orchestra

Orchestra - Second - Open Orchestra with Solo Instrumentalist

Chamber Choir - Highly Commended - Open Choral Championship

Vox -  Second - Secondary School Choir

Koristers - Second - Open Sacred Choral Choir

Koristers - Highly Commended - Open Australian Choral Work

Some of our students have received outstanding results in their individual sections.  Amongst them was Annabelle Van Wyk who won the Orange Eisteddfod Senior Woodwind Scholarship and placed first in the 16 Years and Under Woodwind Solo, Open Grade 7+ Woodwind Solo, Open Woodwind Solo and Open Woodwind Jazz Solo.  


Annabelle also competed in the Bathurst Eisteddfod, winning the Woodwind Championship and placing first in the Open Jazz solo and Open Film/Musical/Pop Woodwind Solo.

Strings Concert

Family and friends are warmly invited to our annual Strings Concert, to be held this Friday at 5.30pm in the DPA.

Music 1 HSC Showcase

Music 1 students entertained just over 100 family and friends at a showcase of their HSC repertoire last week.  Best wishes to all of these students for their upcoming HSC Performance Examinations. Thanks to their class teacher Mr Key, along with accompanists Matt Arthur, David Shaw, Cassandra Key, Lorraine Moxey, Sally Carter, Harriet Ringbauer, Shelley Hayes, Matilda Quigley and Scarlett Gee.

Music 2/Music Extension HSC Showcase

Last weekend Music 2 and Extension Music students showcased their HSC repertoire in a recital at Orange Regional Conservatorium of Music.  Thanks to their accompanist Luke Moxey for all the support he has provided these students over the past three terms.  Our thanks to Lorraine Moxey and members of the Thompson String Ensemble for accompanying Extension Music.  Our thanks also to Orange Regional Conservatorium of Music who have generously donated the use of their fabulous auditorium for these performances.