Boarding News

Weekend Social Events

Thank you to all the boarding parents and carers who were in Orange this past weekend attending the various boarding social events.


It was an action packed weekend, starting on Friday evening with a the New House Cocktail Party at Duntryleague.  On Saturday morning Tower House families  were able to get together for Brunch and some family games in the school gym.  Despite the cold and wet weather, our boarding parents gathered together at Rowlee Wines for the Boarder Parent Drinks evening, renewing old friendships and making new friends.  We finished the weekend with a wonderful Year 7 Family BBQ lunch hosted by Stuart Douglas and Trathen Houses  at the PLC site.

Changes to End of Term 3 Arrangements

The Australian Government has declared a National Day of Mourning for the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday 22 September 2022. This day has been gazetted as a Public Holiday, and for us this  means that a number of End of Term school activities and dates need to be amended. Please find the following important information specific to Boarding.


With the last day of term now Wednesday 21st September, students are permitted to exit boarding as soon as the Graduation Ceremony finishes at 2pm. All public transport bookings previously made with the School through Sally Rattray Wood will be amended to Wednesday and all efforts for students to be present at the Graduation Ceremony will be made. 


The boarding houses will close at 10 am on Thursday 22 September.


All parents are asked to please submit leave on Orah. The Pass that should be requested is called End of Term 3 Start of Term 4 Leave. 


We understand the change in dates and times for boarding parents may be challenging at this late stage, however we very much appreciate your continued support in managing this for your children. We wish you all a safe and happy term holiday.

Hannah Whittemore, Head of Girls Boarding           
Matt Byrne, Head of Boys Boarding