From the Chaplain 

Rev. Dr Rosalie Clarke



As holidays approach, we take a moment to stop and breathe. 


Students, staff and families have had a busy third term here at Kinross Wolaroi. I am thankful for the quality of staff and the foundational values of families who make up our school community. We have all the ingredients of emerging stronger and more cohesive from the last few years.


Image: Liz Valente, Holding Hands.
Image: Liz Valente, Holding Hands.

Regardless of one’s royalist tendencies, the duty and commitment of Queen Elizabeth II is widely praised. It is difficult not to be impressed by her hard work, commitment, and her sense of service above self. It is often these very virtues that we overlook in favour of the latest, flashy new thing!


In a world of the ‘constantly-changing’ and the ‘easy-distraction’, it would be great if our school and families could consistently model these virtues of loyalty, honour and duty for our young people.


Blessings for the holiday break,
