From the Head of Senior School

Mr Trent Chapman

2022/23 Leadership Induction Assembly 

The 2022/23 Leaders Induction Service will be taking place on Friday 16 September in the DPA at 8:45am. The whole of Senior School staff and students will be in attendance, along with the new Leaders’ parents/carers. This will be followed by a morning tea for the new leaders and their parents/carers.


The event will be livestreamed via Zoom for those unable to attend in person:


Livestream link:

Passcode: 0q65x3

Updated Schedule for Week 10

As you are no doubt aware the Australian Government has declared a National Day of Mourning for the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday 22 September 2022. This day has been gazetted as a Public Holiday, and for us means that we have had to reorganise plans for the final week of school, including a rescheduling of Graduation for the Class of 2022. Details are below:


Monday 19 September

Co-Curricular Assembly

Year 12 Boarders Trivia Night 6:00pm, Dorothy Knox Hall 


Tuesday 20 September

Year 12 will attend a Farewell and Blessing, where each Year 12 student will be farewelled by their Mentor. Year 12 students are not allowed on the school grounds until 8:15am. The Farewell and Blessing will begin at 8:45am. We expect all students to behave appropriately and to be dressed in a clean full school uniform (including blazer) for this special occasion. A morning tea will be provided during this time. 


The Farewell and Blessing will be followed at 12:45pm by a luncheon, when Year 12 will be farewelled by their Mentor House. 


1:30pm Year 12 shirt signing and Showcase preparation in the DPA.

It is a tradition that Year 12 students sign one another’s shirts but for the Farewell and Blessing a clean shirt must be worn. 


2:00pm Year 12 Showcase in the DPA 


Year 12 Day Students are to leave the school grounds and Boarders are to return to their Boarding Houses. Activities for Boarders will be organised by the Heads of House.


Wednesday 21 September: 

11:00am Boarder Parents' Morning Tea in the Wolaroi Dining Hall 


12:00pmYear 12 Graduation Ceremony, Derek Pigot Auditorium


Parents of Year 12 and family members are warmly invited to attend this special occasion which will finish by 1:30pm

For those unable to attend, you will be able to view a livestream on Zoom at this link:


All Senior School students, Years 7-12, will be dismissed for the end of term following the Graduation Ceremony.


6:00pm Year 12 Graduation Celebration, Philip Shaw Wines