From the Principal

Dr Andrew Parry

We have enjoyed some marvellous weeks full of activity and achievement as we approach the conclusion of Term 3.


Our Year 11 and 12 have been busy with exams; many students have achieved wonderful results at the Orange Eisteddfod; Winter sports competitions are drawing to a close; we have staged the official opening of the Technology Centre for Metals and Engineering which coincided with the brilliant exhibition of our Year 12 HSC projects; our Junior School Productions are in full swing and our Year 12’s are enjoying their final week of their formal schooling and preparing for their farewells. A very busy and productive time indeed!!


It was a great pleasure to be joined by our local Member for Orange, Mr Phil Donato MP and our former Head of School Council, Mrs Christine McIntosh as we officially opened the new Technology Centre for Metals and Engineering. A world class, state of the art facility has been designed and built to encourage, nurture, teach and promote Industrial Arts and Metal Engineering for our students. The 800 square metre building is a simple clear open construction that will provide students and staff with a safe and healthy environment for the construction of their fabulous Industrial Technology projects. 


Equipped with first-class industrial standard machinery and facilities, the new facility provides an exceptional environment for design and production. The standard of our Year 12 students' major works displayed on the evening were outstanding and the excellent workmanship, attention to detail and considered design clearly reflects the students commitment to excellence and hard work. It was a great credit to the talents and dedication of our hard working staff who have guided our Year 12 students during their HSC course. 

Therelaxing of restrictions and a return to our usual celebrations and gatherings has seen a resurgence of enthusiasm for many community social activities.


As our Year 12 Boarding students come to the end of their school journeys, Boarding House students and families have come together to acknowledge student achievement and farewell our leavers. It has been such a pleasure to hear our Year 11 students speak so warmly and kindly about the departing Year 12. The beautiful spirit and strength of relationships within each House have been so readily apparent. A special thank you to all of our Boarding staff whose organisation and encouragement have ensured that each of these events were such a brilliant success. 


Despite the torrential rain and our very wet feet, our Boarding families came together for a magnificent evening under a marquee at Rowlee Wines last Saturday evening.  A warm and enthusiastic crowd greatly enjoyed coming together and celebrating that very special and unique quality of being part of the Kinross Wolaroi community.


Special thanks to our Directors of Boarding Mrs Hannah Whittemore and Mr Matt Byrne and particularly to Mrs Sally Rattray-Wood for their support and organisation of a very special evening.

Good luck! Round Square Representatives head to the UK

This weekend six of our students embark upon their journey to the UK to participate in the International Round Square Conference being held in Oxford. Our students will be accommodated in Queen’s College within the University and also be hosted by Box Hill School in London. It will be a marvellous opportunity to engage with students from all around the world as they explore the IDEALS of the Round Square movement. 


We wish Hugh Thompson, Georgia Mudford, Eleanor Matheson-Clark, Tom Patton, Charlotte Raffen and Max Reidy and staff, Mrs Kate Anderson and Mrs Sue-Ann Gavin every success and we look forward to hearing of their experience upon their return next term.


Onstage nomination: Ethan Kairaitis  

Ethan Kairaitis has been nominated for OnStage for his Individual Performance piece entitled “A Time to Kill”.  OnStage is a presentation and exhibition of outstanding group and individual performances and projects by HSC Drama students


Callback nomination: Nicholas Brown  

Nicholas Brown has received two nominations for Callback for ‘Core Performance’ and ‘Major Performance’. Callback is the annual showcase of exemplary performances and choreography compositions by HSC students of Dance. 

Orange Eisteddfod results 

Many of our co-curricular ensembles recently competed in the City of Orange Eisteddfod, gaining outstanding results across all areas. Congratulations to our wonderful students and students on their outstanding results. 


Thompson Ensemble - First - Open String Ensemble 

Chamber Strings - First - Open String Ensemble 

Chamber Strings - First - Open Secondary School Age String Ensemble 

Thompson Ensemble - First - School Age String Ensemble 

Concert Band - First - Open Large Band 

Stage Band - First - Open Jazz/Stage Band 

Stage Band - First - Open Contemporary Ensemble 

Senior Chamber Ensemble - First - Open Chamber Ensemble 

Orchestra - First - Open Orchestra 

Orchestra - Second - Open Orchestra with Solo Instrumentalist 

Chamber Choir - Highly Commended - Open Choral Championship 

Vox - Second - Secondary School Choir 

Koristers - Second - Open Sacred Choral Choir 

Koristers  - Highly Commended - Open Australian Choral Work 


Several students received outstanding results in their individual sections.  Amongst them was Annabelle Van Wyk who won the Orange Eisteddfod Senior Woodwind Scholarship and placed first in the 16 Years and Under Woodwind Solo, Open Grade 7+ Woodwind Solo, Open Woodwind Solo and Open Woodwind Jazz Solo.  Annabelle also competed in the Bathurst Eisteddfod, winning the Woodwind Championship and placing first in the Open Jazz solo and Open Film/Musical/Pop Woodwind Solo. 

Debating success

Congratulations to our Year 8 Debating teams who finished 1st and 2nd in the Dudley Cup competition and qualified to compete at the final in October.


George Hogg

Sala Orme-Smith

Anabelle Van-Wyk

Ollie Krause


Lulu Clinton

Alice Scholte

Gretel Sobotta

Issy Wong