
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Setting our standards

We have been working with Year 11's to set up a positive classroom culture in this final term of the year. With clear expectations, students and staff can ensure our classrooms are an productive and safe learning environment.  It has been fantastic to see these non-negotiables applied across all classrooms.


Year 11 ATAR Exams

Mathematics Applications - Thursday 10 November 

Animal Production Systems - Monday 21 November

English - Tuesday 22 November

Plant Production Systems - Thursday 24 November


Year 12 WACE

English - Wednesday 2 November

Animal Production Systems - Thursday 3 November

Mathematics Applications - Monday 7 November

Plant Production Systems - Wednesday 9 November


Year 11 ATAR Camp

Our Year 11's are away on the ATAR Camp with Ms Sharpe and Ms Jury.  They will be visiting universities, the State Library and various grain and livestock industries.  We look forward to hearing about it in the next edition of the Chatter.


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum



Plant and Animal Production Systems: Ms Powell

It's smiles all round at the College as we power on in to our final term. Now that the Year 12's have left us, the Year 11 students are stepping up to complete their final content and assessments for Term 4.


In General Plant Production Systems, students have been learning about the structure of natural, urban and agricultural ecosystems and how these systems and subsystems interact. They have also investigated our natural resources such as water, soils, air and considered the sustainability of these precious resources as we go forward in farming.


In General Animal Production Systems, students have been researching the components of animal health, including immunity and the use of vaccination programs, as well as welfare, signs of good/ill health, diseases and internal/external parasites. This week the students have the good fortune to hear wisdom from some of our Farm staff, who will be presenting on our various livestock enterprises at the College. This includes the running of the enterprise, as well as goals, risks, sustainability, markets and product quality.