From the Principal 

Matt Dowell


It has been a busy fortnight here at the College and the remaining four-and-a-bit weeks are packed full of activities and events. Major personal projects are underway in the Trades area, Farm students are rolling through their Units of Competency which includes their harvesting Units of Competency, Apply First Aid accredited course, the DFES Rural Fire Awareness accredited course, excursions to Muchea Feedlot and participating in a variety of regional shows and competitions. 


Our Year 11 ATAR students are currently on their annual camp and all students continue to work through their Class course content and assessments. There are Special Dinners coming up, fantastic weekend residential activities planned, a Staff V Student basketball showcase match, a Rewards Activity to the Northam Aquatics Centre, the Skippers Ticket course, Year 12 Valedictory Ceremony and the term capping off with our Year 11 Ceremony, on the last day for our Year 11's (Friday 25 November). 

Year 11 ATAR camp
Year 11 ATAR camp


I again reiterate the requirement for all students to attend until the last day of term, to ensure they do not miss out on these fantastic opportunities and also maintain their course progression, so they are well-placed moving into Year 12 next year.


A huge thank you to all of the staff and also the Student Council, who are organising all of these activities and events. I continue to be impressed with the diversity of what is on offer here at the College and our students' eagerness to take advantage of these opportunities.


Drought Resilience and Innovation Challenge

It is with great enthusiasm I announce that in partnership with Grower Group Alliance and the South West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub our College is participating in the inaugural 'Drought Resilience and Innovation Challenge' for students in Year 11.


It is no secret that Australian farmers are dealing with a drying and warming environment which can impact productivity and profitability. This challenge encourages participants to think laterally and develop a tool, solution of system (based on data) that may increase the future resilience of WA farmers in a hotter and drier climate with more variability.


This challenge will be directly linked to the Certificate II Agriculture Core Unit AHCWRK209 Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices and provide an opportunity for interested students to be extended through submitting a 'solution'. Creativity is encouraged with the way that their ideas are submitted through the use of TikTok, YouTube, webpage design, podcast, written or live presentation.


This initiative was rolled out at this week's assembly and submissions are due by C.O.B Friday of Week 7 (last day for Year 11's).



Student Self-Drivers

It is that time of Year where many of our Year 11 students start to obtain their licenses and self-drive to and from the College. It is a requirement that all vehicles brought on to site are road worthy and would not otherwise be subject to getting yellow-stickered. This is most important given we often have students travelling in other students' vehicles. Parents are asked to ensure vehicles are compliant prior to students brining them on to College grounds or transporting other students.


Commissioner for Children Visit

Later this term, the Commissioner for Children and Young People, Jacqueline McGowan-Jones, is visiting our College as part of her Listening Tour to communities all over the State. These visits help her to hear how local children and young people are faring, the issues affecting their wellbeing and the local initiatives and programs that are making a positive difference. 


This will be a great opportunity for some of our students to speak directly with the Commissioner about challenges young people living in regional areas face.


Wishing you all the very best for harvest - may this year be a fruitful one for all!


Matt Dowell
