John XXIII Rowing Club 

National Rowing Championships 2023

Anyone interested in information regarding a specialist training program run through Swans River Rowing Club, please see information below from Head Coach, Mr Mark Beer.


We would look to put the JTC athletes on to the same junior membership as our PSA club members.  This is a slightly reduced rate, as we know that the athletes will spend a portion of the club year back in their school training.  The fee is $435 and provides students with a full SRRC membership for the year (which encompasses Nationals. They will be able to train with the relevant squads (based on their age and ability).  This would cover a minimum of three water sessions and access to two land sessions (all optional, but encouraged).  They can of course attend more through arrangements with coaches.  Next term our Junior program will be training on Monday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, with land training offered on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.  There is also scope for a Tuesday afternoon session with myself.


Anyone wishing to join the club, should email either or the Swan River Rowing secretary Adrian:  We can then arrange attendance at training sessions moving forward.  


Lorrelle Fortune

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator