SRC Leadership Camp

@ Billow View, Gerringong

Billow View, Gerringong was the venue for our inaugural SRC Leadership Camp. We had a fabulous time on Dharawal Country learning about service leadership through participating in prayer, challenges, goal setting, identifying character strengths, deep listening, understanding our ‘monkeys’ and how to RISE above them. 


We took advantage of our gorgeous location, walked on the beach, saw an echidna and whales breaching just off the shore. The singing that accompanied the bus trip ensured Mr Conn was focused the whole time and Mr Browne led discussions which helped shape the Year 12 vision for leadership at Kildare in 2023.


Each student was challenged and most were successful in helping to erect a pop up gazebo, yet the tent set up was another story. When half the group are the eyes and the other half the hands it highlights the need for a plan and good communication skills. 


It was a privilege to accompany the SRC Leaders who each bring their own gifts and talents to the group. A discernment process will take place with specific leadership roles to be announced early in Term 4.


We wish Year 12 well in preparation for their HSC Exams and hope you all enjoy a wonderful holiday.


Christine Savage | Leader of Faith, Formation and Mission