Principal Message

With Term 3 drawing to a close there is much to reflect on with many successes in and out of the classroom and a rich term of learning behind us. Our hope is that all staff, students and their families find the time to have a restful break and re-energise. 

Whilst they are doing that, we also know our Year 12’s should be, and hopefully are, ramping up their revision in preparation for their HSC examinations. We had a wonderful farewell for them this past Wednesday and it was terrific to be able to share the Graduation Ceremony with them on site. We wish them the best of luck for their exams, knowing they will be supported by their teachers right through until the end of their exams. 


With the end of term, I always encourage the students to show gratitude to their teachers and families for all that is done for them and on their behalf. I further note the impact this gratitude has. Let’s face it, it makes a huge difference to people. We know this intuitively, but it is good to know there is strong research in support of it.


Dr Martin Seligman from the University of Pennsylvania and author of ‘Flourish - A New Understanding of Happiness’, found in his research that something as simple as a note of thanks to someone who hasn't been thanked before, saw a significant rise in the happiness score in his research study. Further, that this impact was greater than that from any other intervention, with benefits lasting for a month.


So to our students I remind them to be thankful. If we are all doing it, all our happiness levels benefit. We do have a tendency in our social media driven world to jump to criticism long before we actually take the time to be grateful. I know the difference gratitude makes to those in the teaching profession. Given we all know it is under a degree of siege at the moment, perhaps we can continue to be be a beacon of change in this regard.


At the end of this term we wish Mrs Angie Cooper all the best on her three term secondment to CEDWW as Acting Professional Learning and Development Leader. She will be replaced temporarily by Mrs Jackie Byrne and we wish her well. 


In preparation for Term 4 can I remind all please that the term begins with summer uniform. All uniform and grooming is to be within the Uniform Policy. A good time to ensure hair and grooming are attended to before the start of term. 


Please also be reminded that sport uniform is only to be worn on days where required for PDHPE or Sport. Staff have been asked to monitor this more closely next term in preparation for 2023.


The practice of wearing long sleeve tops under sport shirts is to cease, given warmer weather from the start of term. This has been tolerated to a degree rather than parents having to buy a new jacket with stocks running out. However, some students have seen this as a fashion trend they could embrace rather than any justifiable case for them to be out of uniform evident. 2023 will see the new uniform range being worn by Year 7 and available to all who wish to wear it in preference to the old. Of course, if students wish to wear the old uniform as families have stock at hand that is fine for 2023 and 2024.


The new uniform shop will be operational by mid Term 4. We have been held up waiting on the refit of the space but all is in place for the new uniform and shop. 


On your behalf, I thank all our staff for their amazing work this past term. They give above and beyond in so many ways. I hope the holiday period is a restful one for them.