Catholic Identity

Sunday’s Gospel from Luke 16:19-31

The Apostles said ‘Increase our Faith’, Jesus responded ‘were your faith the size of a mustard seed?’ He went on to explain about gratefulness, service and our duty as people within community.



Loving God,

You inspire us to increase our faith,

To build a life of prayer, show acts of goodness and kindness in spirit.

You fashioned us to be influenced by the goodness of others, who inspire us to be better and do better.

Thank you, for those who take the time to help, who remind us of the humanity within each of us, who inspire hope and bring joy to others.

Help us to serve others and look beyond our needs to the needs of all, in small but incremental ways.



Socktober - Mission Month

During Mission Week, from the 24th -28th October, our school participates in ‘Sock it to Poverty’, run by Catholic Mission Australia.

There will be lunchtime activities and a liturgy that raises awareness and funds for Catholic Mission Australia. We are asking families to raid their odd/holey socks box (I have one that continually grows in my laundry!) and send these to school for a craft activity.

Our year 6 SERVE leaders have planned fun activities for students to play during lunchtime. In this week, students can bring in any silver coins floating around at home to participate in these activities. More information to follow in the next newsletter.

If you would like more information or to donate as a family, please check out the link-

October, Month of the Rosary.

Mary, Jesus’s birth mother, and our spiritual mother, is honoured many times each year. In the month of October, we honour her through prayer. 

The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. 

The liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated on October 7.  During this time, we use rosary beads to help us pray with Mary. Students have been learning about praying the rosary, as a way to spend time with Mary and think about Jesus. Together, we have been learning about the history of praying the rosary and how this form of prayer connects us to our faith. The Rosary is a deeply embedded part of our Catholic tradition. It originates from times when formal education was not widely available, so people of faith valued prayers that they had learned as children and could easily pray together. Often in times of distress, joy or sadness, families or individuals pray the rosary as a way to ask for Mary’s intercession and help.

The rosary has many parts, and each part lets us think about the big moments of Jesus’ life, like his birth, baptism, miracles, crucifixion and resurection. Mary was present in every one of these big moments. 

The rosary is a powerful prayer because as we recite the Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory Bes, we meditate and reflect on the big moments in Mary and Jesus’ life. 

At home, praying the rosary is a lovely way to gather together, share your faith and connect with God and each other.

For more information on praying the rosary at home



Sacramental Celebrations!

What a beautiful, reverent and joyful two weekends we have had at St Mary’s parish Echuca. The children were able to gather with family, friends and parishioners to mark the end of their sacramental journey preparations. In Fr Novie’s homily, he spoke about how this is not the end, but the beginning of their next stage in their faith journey. We congratulate each child and their family on their dedication to the program and their commitment to their faith.

St Mary’s Parish Disco!

For all children in our school and parish community grades 2-5. Special invitation for our sacramental children, what a way to finish your sacramental journey… with a party!



St Mary’s Parish Weekend Masses:

Saturday 6pm & Sunday 9.30am - all welcome.