
Italian News Term 1 -2023


First Term commenced with Lina and Michelle teaching Italian to all year levels.  However, after week 1 – Michelle took leave and Italian was covered by Lina and CRTs.  Fortunately, we now (week 7) have a long-term replacement in Michael until Michelle returns.

The students have been practising known vocabulary from last year as well as adding words and phrases to their repertoire.  Students start sessions by answering roll call in Italian and then working out the day, month and date all in Italian. 


The highlight of Italian so far has been the Carnevale Unit which culminated with a whole school Carnevale Day. Students and staff dressed in colourful costumes and masks.  They were able to enjoy various activities such as bubble blowing, Photo booth, Italian card games, mask decorating and magic tricks to name a few.

Carnevale Day involved many hours of planning which was done by Michelle last year.  AHPS is truly grateful to Michelle and thank her for the amazing effort she put into organizing such a fabulous day. 






   Ciao, ciao from

   Lina Zamperoni and Michael Vampatella

   Italian Teachers