Need to know

Key Dates
Date | Event |
20th March | Education & Wellbeing Committee - all parents welcome. Information to follow. |
22nd March | Parent/teacher interviews face to face. (Subject teachers) Information re booking will be sent out soon. STUDENT FREE DAY. |
23rd March | Parent/teacher interviews via Webex (Subject teachers) Information re booking will be sent out soon. EARLY FINISH FOR STUDENTS AT 12.20 pm |
27th March | Resources/College Council meeting 6.00 pm |
30th March | SHOWCASE evening for prospective students Year 7 HPV Dip Vaccination |
29th March | Catch up photo session for students absent on 10th March |
4th April | VCE Music Concert |
6th April | Last day of Term 1 - early finish 1.05 pm |
24th April | First day of term PUPIL FREE DAY Professional Development for staff |
25th April | ANZAC Day |
26th April | First day of Term 2 for students |
This week sees us right in the middle of our four-yearly School Review where we will be taking a deep dive into everything we do; looking at what we are doing well and where we need to improve. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered their time to be part of the parent focus group. I am excited to set our strategic directions for the next 4 years.
Use of Laptops vs Writing
At St Helena, computers are used in different ways in the classroom. We are a 1:1 school, which means we look for opportunities to utilise the benefits of learning with technology in every subject, where appropriate. However, we also recognise that learning happens in different ways and by different processes, and research also shows the benefits of slowing down our thinking and using pen and paper to take notes, record ideas and summarise key information.
As such, students will find they are exposed to a variety of different learning activities in the classroom. A lot of the time, the learning activities occur using our laptops. Sometimes, it is more appropriate to use pen and paper, particularly when working out a maths problems, creating a mind-map on a topic or doing a 'brain dump' for retrieval practice. This is why most subjects and classes require students to have an exercise book and to bring a pencil case with pens, pencils, an eraser etc, as a part of our 'Ready to Learn' policy.
We are often asked how much or how often a student should use their laptop in class, but unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. Even for the same subject and year level, teachers will have different teaching methods and ask students to use a differently combination of laptop or pen/paper - and that's absolutely fine! In the same way that different chefs will produce the same meal but use slightly different preparation and or/presentation skills, our teachers also have varied teaching styles and methodologies, resulting in slightly different experiences for students from class to class.
What is most important is that our students are engaging in the learning opportunites provided by our teachers, and we ask for your support in helping our young people bring the required materials to every class they attend.
Reminder re Report Discussion Interviews
In response to feedback from parents, we are trialling student progress interviews based on parent and student meetings with subject teachers. Please note, in order to provide sufficient interview slots, interview times are quite short. It is expected that parents and students are familiar with the student's Progress Report (published prior to the interviews) and come prepared with questions for teachers. The purpose of the interview is for clarification or expansion on what is in the progress report, not for teachers to summarise what is already in the report. It is helpful if the student attends the interview with a parent.
Because St Helena subscribes to continuous reporting, but “publishes” progress reports termly and summative reports twice yearly, parent/teacher report discussions will be held towards the end of Term 1 and towards the end of Term 3 to give an opportunity to discuss the formative assessment (progress report) and put strategies in place if required before the summative report (semester report).
These interviews include VCE teachers.
To give parents flexibility to attend interviews, the report discussions will run as follows:
Report Discussion Day 1 22/3/23 : (8 minute face to face interviews)
12.30 - 7.30 pm - by appointment.
Report Discussion Day 2 23/3/23: (8 minute Webex interviews)
From 1.40 pm – 4.20 pm, by appointment. Students will be dismissed at 12.20 pm.
For any matters not related to the report, or for more complex discussions, a separate request should be made for a meeting with a teacher or coordinator.
Council Elections
I was thrilled to see so many nominations for College Council. Unfortunately, there are only so many positions to fill. I hope our unsuccessful candidates find other ways to be involved in our College as it is clear they have much to offer.
Council Election Results 2023
Declaration of Poll
Parent Member Category (4 Vacancies)
Nominee | |
Koulas Zougras | Self Nomination |
Natania Locke | Self Nomination |
Lynne Bartlett | Self Nomination |
Charles Charalambous | Self Nomination |
Student Category (1 Vacancy)
Nominee | |
Martina Charalambous | Self Nominaton |
Staff Member Category (1 Vacancy)
Nominee | |
Jamie Myers | Self Nomination |
Free Parent Forum - Keep your Child Safe Online
This is a reminder that we are running a free Cyber Safety evening for parents on Monday 20th March from 6:30pm in the college theatre. Learn from our IT Manager Jamie Myers about the implementation of ClassWize at school and LineWize, which includes a parent-portal component that can support you to monitor internet usage at home more effectively. PLUS, get tips and tricks on how to keep your child safe online at home from our Digital Learning Specialist Andrew Moller. Free tickets are available to community members via the link :
Cybersafety for Parents Tickets, St Helena Secondary College, Eltham North | TryBooking Australia
Student Safety
I have had a few communications from members of the community regarding student safety when alighting from buses. On a number of occasions students have run onto the road and not waited for the lights at the top of Kurrak Road and Yan Yean Road. One one afternoon recently a group was narrowly missed by a motorbike and a car. Please speak to your child about road safety!