Holy Cross happenings

School photos will take place on Monday 3rd April. Children will need to wear their full summer uniform with a jumper. Please be mindful that we use these photos for various school purposes and for our reports, so attendance on this day is very important. We cannot give a time table of when each class will have their photo, so if you can avoid making appointments for your child on this day that would be appreciated. All orders are to be completed online via the Elite School Photography website prior to the day. See order information below.
Go to: https://eliteschoolphotography.com.au/
Use code: ESP202515
World of Maths Incursion
On Wednesday the 22nd of March our Year 3 and 4 children participated in an exciting Maths incursion led by World of Maths. During the incursion, the children engaged in a group discussion about how Mathematics is an essential part of our daily lives and explored various Mathematical challenges across different contexts, including puzzles, mazes, tangrams, and races. The children collaborated effectively in groups, showing persistence and problem-solving skills. The experience was highly engaging and was an excellent opportunity for our children to enhance their Mathematical skills in a fun environment.
Year 3&4 Playground Project
Katie Xiao was the guest speaker in our 3/4 classrooms on Tuesday the 21st of March and she presented a fascinating real-world project around town planning to the children. As a town planner, she highlighted the importance of considering various factors when working on a community project. During the session, the children reviewed an old school site that is being converted to parkland for a rural community. Katie set them the challenge of designing this parkland to include all the necessary facilities for a safe and close-knit community. Her interactive and engaging approach left the children feeling inspired and empowered to take on the project. Since Katie's visit, our children have taken on a variety of roles in the park planning process and have begun to design their ultimate playground. The next stage of our project will involve visiting a variety of parks to analyse how they meet the needs of the community.
Harmony Day
Harmony Day was celebrated on March 21st in Australia. It is a day that promotes inclusivity, diversity, and cultural respect. The day highlights the message that everyone belongs, regardless of their background or cultural heritage. In schools and communities, Harmony Day is an opportunity to promote respect, understanding, and appreciation for different cultures, and to celebrate the richness that diversity brings to our society. It is a chance to come together and celebrate our shared values and create a more harmonious and cohesive community. This year our children celebrated Harmony Day through engaging in rich literature around the topics of diversity and inclusivity, such as 'I'm Australian Too' by Mem Fox. Following this, the children produced personal responses to the texts using creative mediums.
Prep Trip to the Library
On Thursday the 23rd of March, our prep classes went on an excursion to the local Gisborne library. When the children arrived they were greeted by Rae, the friendly librarian who facilitated a fun read aloud session. Rae read some popular picture books to the children, capturing the imaginations of all.
After the read aloud, the children participated in craft activities inspired by the picture books they listened to, allowing them to engage with the stories in a hands-on and creative way. Once the craft activities were complete, the children had the opportunity to borrow books from the library to take home and enjoy.
Afterwards, the children had a snack and a play at the nearby Sankey Reserve, where they had the chance to let off some steam and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Overall, it was a fantastic excursion that was enjoyed by all who attended.
Year 4 Recursion Rule Challenge
Last week in Year 4 the children were learning about recursion rules as part of a Patterns and Algebra unit in Mathematics. After exploring this concept for a few lessons the children decided to generate their own mystery patterns by choosing a starting number and applying their own recursion rules. During this challenging task, the children displayed excellent persistence and strong collaboration skills. Are you able to work out the rule for the below patterns and fill in the missing spaces?
80, 160, ___, ___, ___, ___, 5120 William
1,012,354 __________, __________, __________, 1,011,954 Muna
3, ___, ___, ___, 47 Elanor
Term 2 - Winter Uniform
A reminder that in Term 2 and 3 children need to wear their winter uniform. The uniform shop will be open next Thursday 6th April at 8.30am. All CDF Pay online orders to be in by Wednesday evening for packing and delivery on Thursday.